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Posts posted by fnkershner

  1. Popeye - That cartoon reminds me of something I heard in the news today. Some lady in England found an unexploded bomb in her yard from WWII. Do you know what she did before she called the authorities? She washed in in the kitchen sink. She was quoted to say "It was quite dirty". LOL


    So when my admiral feels the need to clean something when there are other more important things to do. I ask her if she is washing the bomb. She gets mad but she gets the point. :D

  2. Bob - Its funny that you mentioned the Jensen book. As soon as I saw this post that is exactly what I went looking for. Still recovering from the move. Unfortunately I loaned the book to a club member and can't remember who. The only comment I can make is this - On my model (which was rigged when I did have that book) the line is tan. It does make sense. We all know that the lines that are black are that way because they were soaked in tar to discourage rats. And the running rigging was not so that it would go thru the blocks. In this case I seriously doubt a rat would be out there on what is essentially a running backstay. There is also the Sail to consider. No self respecting Captain would stand for ugly black stains on his biggest sail.


    So I would vote for tan.


    By the way all this wonderful work on the Bluenose has me thinking of breaking one of my cardinal rules and redoing mine. There is so much excellent work here!

  3. All I can say is good eye! That is quite a rake for PoBII. No wonder they lost most of their rigging when the bow sprit broke off France a few years ago. I may have mentioned that this model has been with me for more than 10 yrs. Actually closer to 20. it has now been thru at least 2 moves. There was a time when I was a new to this hobby that I stated the build just following the plans. Now that I am a more experienced beginner I am looking at the build more critically. I mention this because I had already shaped and assembled the masts. I even drilled the holes for the masts. So I am not sure what I will do.


    I can tell you that in my new house my build table is right here next to the computer and she is calling to me. She sits in the vice ready for me to finish the 2nd layer of planking. Now all I need to do is find the Dremel.

  4. I like the changes you have made in the bow sprit. The kit calls for the martingale to go thru the bow sprit and act as a flag staff. This is totally wrong. First it weakens a critical spar at just the wrong point. I believe the model was designed by someone who has never seen a true sailing ship. Also the kit calls for lots of chain. Again this would have been very heavy at the wrong point and very expensive for the time period. I can't wait to finish unpacking and check the lengths of my masts etc.

  5. Blackie - Thanks for the responses. I am going to take a look at my deck plan and make some changes. We move to our new home this week, so it may be another week before I can get back to the model. Are you planning to have her with full sails? What reference did you use for the Rigging? I was just today looking at a picture of the Baltimore Clipper II under full sail. I see that as you mentioned she has 3 shrouds and a backstay. I think you have this part correct. I am going to enjoy watching your rigging. Are you going to add the stun sail booms? I see them on the BC II.

  6. I am afraid she is going to be broken up. As you probably know she has 13 reactors inside her. They must be removed. in order to do this they will have to cut thru the deck and the hanger deck. Once this is done she will be quite a mess. It would be too expensive to restore her in any meaningful way. So she will be cut up.


    I am not sure when the last time you drove by the Bremerton Yard. But many of the ships you mention have been cut up. I haven't been there in a year or so. but all the Carriers are now gone. Most of the subs are also gone. It used to be amazing to drive by there. If you knew what to look for there was an amazing array of important ships there. Many of them had quite a history.

  7. On a slightly different note - Did you know that the USS Enterprise has recently arrived in Newport after her last deployment. She now begins a 2 1/2 yr project to remove her core and reactors. during this project she will be towed around the horn to the Naval shipyard here in Seattle and the broken for scrap. She is the oldest warship in the US Navy currently on deployment. She is also the first atomic powered surface vessel.

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