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  1. She looks great Harlequin, as Overboard said , you build log is very helpful, I need to restart my own build and finish the second planking. Will post new pictures once i restart (hopefully in the next couple of weeks. cheers Bill24
  2. Hi Harlequin, Bellona is looking great, I wish I could get back to my build of her, but I do not seem to be able to get time, I have only spent 6 years on her so there is still plenty of time I suppose.
  3. Photos of the quarter galley, I think I am nearly there, a little more dressing and I think they will be okay. The gun ports need a little attention yet to finish off and ensure they are square and consistent size, any major problems I can correct either now or later with the final planking. Bill
  4. excellent work Harlequin, I have just re started with my build on the Bellona, will post pictures later, still struggling with the quarter galleys at the moment. You have set a very high bar for the build standard.
  5. Hi Harlequin, I must say the Bellona is looking fantastic. just about to start again on my Bellona, I have not touched her for 3 years, been busy with work and DIY on the house (hopefully now I can move forward). I am struggling with the quarter galley's, cannot get the shape right or the correct amount of taper from the top to the bottom, any suggestions would be very much appreciated. Bill24
  6. Wayne thank you for finding my build log, all I have to now is finish the build will post pictures once I start again Bill
  7. Looking great Harlequin. I have made no progress on my build for over a year now, but I have just retired so after doing a few of the jobs that have been neglected I will get back on to the build.
  8. Hi Doug, I made a former to curve the transom from the scale drawing. I clamped the transom to the former and left for 24 hrs, this curved it and the I fitted to the model. hope this helps Bill
  9. Hi Harlequin I have attached the transom, but unfortunately work is now taking up a great deal of my time, so not a lot of progress to report
  10. Hi Harlequin, A quick question, I am now at the stage of fitting the Transom but am a little unsure of how it should look, is the Transom curved across the width of the ship (plans appear to show it curved) and if yes how did you curve it, the ply is very stiff. Bill
  11. First planking now complete. A little tidying up at the stern required to ensure 2nd planking lies correctly is required. I am going to mark the remaining gun ports next and fix the transom after a little dressing to ensure a good fit
  12. thanks guys, I will try the suggests when I start painting
  13. thanks Harlequin I have now resolved the problem at the stern with planks "clinkering". removed offending planks and made slight alterations to the last two bulkheads and all is now well
  14. Hi, I am new to Model Ship World and to model boat building. I received this kit as a gift a few years ago. I started the kit but my work got in the way of the build, anyway to cut a very long story short, I have now picked her up again and restarted the build. whilst doing a little research on boat building I came across this site and in particular Harlequins log of the build of the very same boat. so - here I am, I will post photos of my attempt to build this beautiful ship as I go along also, sorry for not understanding the log convention, I have deleted the photo from Harlequins log - sorry Harlequin bill24
  15. Hi Harlequin, great job, you are motoring along with the build, I will start my build log over the weekend and enclose a couple of photographs
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