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Everything posted by PSF

  1. And now windows and balcony doors Keith left the set decoration, I made the right later remade
  2. each has its own measure. you need it or not?
  3. With such a ship?, I do not envy you with The such the ship!
  4. For me it is also a hobby. But such The ship Nelson would not have taken the fight to the trafalgar
  5. People 300 years ago did SHIPS, not in order of their ships to do a parody. This is just my opinion.
  6. The бархоут (Russian) = barhouty (Latin) = Rubbing pieces (English) is made of a nielloed hornbeam
  7. External casing from a nut, instead of from set Corel The material of an external casing is sawed on circular saw FET Proxxon from a file of a nut for a parquet
  8. I write special terms in Russian Test бархоут (Russian) = barhouty (Latin) = Rubbing pieces (English) for trying
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