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About bobc622

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  1. I need to know the sizes of the pedestals used to mount this ship. The parts were not included in my kit ( cost savings by manufacturer?) There are two different sizes needed. I am hoping that whoever mounted thier kit has kept the parts list if there kit came with the pedestals. Thanks for your help.
  2. I need to know where to buy lettering transfers. I also need advice on the best way to use them. Thank you.
  3. If you soak two pieces of wood glued together with Carpenter's glue in 99% isopropyl alcohol, how long should it take to be able to get those pieces apart.

  4. I am missing a page of plans for the standing rigging of the Artesia Latina. This page features figures 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11. AL sent me copies of these figures, but the pages had a dark background and the numbers denoting the names of the stays etc. are blurred beyond recognition. Does anyone have this sheet? Can you send it to me? I will pay the costs involved. If you want it back, I will send it back when I am done with it. I cannot seem to find any research material that is the same as these plans. I bought the book Endeavor and a couple of sheets of rigging plans by Harold Han for this ship, but the rigging plans are not the same as AL. AL must have simplified the rigging or it is a different time in the life of this ship. Any help would be gratefully accepted as I am at a standstill until I can figure out the rigging. Thanks.
  5. I need to build up a small inventory of rigging supplies. I need blocks, hearts etc. and some sizes of line. Where do I buy fittings in the area of 1:48 models give or take, in the US if possible, that are decent and don't cost an arm and a leg. I have perused various sights and am shocked at prices like $1.29US for a single heart plus shipping. I also find that some of these sites don't have enough of the different sizes to buy a decent order to save on shipping. I know some of you have mentioned different places, but I would like to see all the possibilities listed in one topic so I can make a list without looking through all of the posts. I would be grateful for advice such as website addresses and your experience with companies good or bad. Thank you.
  6. I am rigging the shrouds and have a question. When I looked for help on how to rig the shrouds, the videos showed the shrouds off the mast. I was taught to rig the shrouds when they are on the mast. I use a device to hold both of the deadeyes at a predetermined distance then seize the shroud to the upper deadeye. If one rigs the shroud off the mast, how do you know the proper distance between the deadeyes when you install the shrouds on the mast?
  7. Thank you for your reply. I would appreciate whatever you can send me. I will look for a copy of the book you recommend. My email is bobc622@mac.com
  8. This is looking very good. I was given a kit by Atresia Latina of the Endeavor with the bulkheads and decks installed. I am trying to correct some of the errors made before planking. I have only one parts listing sheet showing the lazered parts and I believe there maybe more listing the planking etc. Am I correct? Also, my instruction book showing the photos is a faded black and white. Does your book contain colored photos of each step? I am very happy that you posted your build as it gives me more information on how to plank this model. Where did you go to get additional planking? Thank you.
  9. Good job so far. I will be starting shortly on this same model and will rely on your log to keep me out of trouble.
  10. Thanks for posting the missing photos. I am really impressed with the skills that your model shows. It serves as an inspiration for me, though at my age, eyesight and manual dexterity are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. Never the less, it does inspire to do better and hopefully I can retain some of the things I learn from reading your build. My build will keep my mind active even though the end result will not be as good as I once was able to do. Thank you.
  11. Craig, I just discovered your build and am highly impressed. I am trying to save the build for my future Emma C. berry project in order to avoid some of the pitfalls that are found with this project. I see that DSCO 3065.jpg through DSCO 3076.jpg didn't download on my viewing of your build. Any chance of sending me those photos? Are you still adding to this build after part 4? Thanks, Bob
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