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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Take a look at Llhan Gokcay's Build log.....I just don't like to paint over beautiful wood. And I love his detail....should be a nice challenge.

    Please excuse me while I experiment with posting photo's from my iPad.

    I still haven't figured out how to add pic's to my personal gallery. Takes us old folks a little while to figure things out.


  2. Mark....I will indeed. Figured I would get it past the "boiling water" stage before I begin posting the more interesting stuff. To me, this stage is much like watching grass grow. Just placed the last plank on the hull to complete my first planking.....ordered a beautiful piece of Mayan Walnut which I will be using for her skin. Can't wait to take it to my sawmill and begin creating her skin planks. Thanks

  3. Very interesting chat.....Allow me to clear up from my end.

    I was allowed to build my Confederacy along with Chuck, as he developed the kit. Since all of my ships were built for my grand kids to enjoy long after I am gone, they all followed my building logs very carefully from over a thousand miles away. When I tried to explain that this beautiful ship would not have masts like all the others, it just didn't go over very well. So I told Chuck I would have to rig her best I could....fully understanding that some of the belaying would our best guess.

    Turned out to be their favorite ship....creating another problem between two of the boys (both want to claim rights to it).

    So now I am considering another build.....

    Chuck's Winchelsea would be my choice but it isn't ready for prime time.

    As for "USS".... Thanks for the info.

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