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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Just now tuning in on this magnificent build.....like everyone else, I am lost for words. As beautiful as the overall ship is, the carvings just steal the show. This could be a model dump truck and we would not even notice. SPECDAMNTACULAR!!!

    Thank you Kay for sharing with us.

    Question.....Your carving skills....this did not just happen with this building of HMS Royal William. What is the background of your being such a MASTER wood carver?


  2. A second day of studying Karl's craftsmanship....I remain speechless....there simply are no words that would serve justice to what my eyes are telling me. This work could only be properly described by a great poet.

    Thank you Karl


    For Karl......


    Ein zweiter Tag des Studiums Karl's Handwerkskunst .... Ich bin immer noch sprachlos ... es gibt einfach keine Worte, w\'fcrde dazu dienen, was meine Augen mir sagen. Diese Arbeit kann man nur richtig beschrieben durch ein gro\'dfer Dichter.\

    Vielen Dank Karl

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