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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Progress on Mayflower #1....

    Added channels, now ready for some shrouds.  After searched my bone yard for chain plate material, found plenty of chain, but the links were all the wrong scale....so had to create chain links with 2mm wire....each chain plate required 4 links.


    Tried a new approach to aligning the tops of the deadeyes as they were applied.... the white thread seen below is tied in as a temporary level line - worked very nicely for me.



    So, it looks like we're back to my favorite task of all (NOT)....let's tie a vew hundred clove hitches mate.





  2. Update....Mayflower #2

    Watching this guy pressure washing my neighbor's house, using bleach....gave me an idea.  That dark plank that I was so put out with - could it be bleached to a lighter shade?


    The photo on the far left shows how dark that plank was....

    Photo's center and right.....After sanding, painting with bleach, and placing it in the sun for several hours is still darker but appears much lighter and more acceptable in my eye.

    What say ye? :10_1_10:  



  3. Thanks for your response, and the great demo Klaus. I was, indeed, wondering about the tree nail shade, and what would be the difference after applying a finish.

    I guess I have now looked at walnut so much, everything is beginning to also look like walnut.

    Never have worked with pear....although I do see it a lot among really fine builders such as yourself.

    I look forward to seeing your continued progress.


  4. Hi Klaus.... I cannot tell you how delighted I am to find your wonderful Mayflower build log. Not only, is it a pleasure to see your fine craftsmanship, but also extremely educational. Following your build is certainly going to help me improve my own attempt to build her as well (actually, I am working on two Mayflowers of different scales).

    So glad to see your walnut hull tree nailed, as I was not sure if I was going to tree nail the larger of my two builds....now I am sure I will.


  5. Thanks hlipplaa....still thinking bout that plank....not decided yet.

    Joe....the plank caulking technique is a new experiment that looks like it turned out not bad. Never been a big fan of pencil marking due to lead smearing....or, I'm just not very good at that method.

    Using very thin black vinyl which I took from a cheap vinyl notebook, I simply edge-glued one edge of my deck planks, then razor trimmed the vinyl flush....then finish sanded the edges before placing the plank.

    Once all planks are glued in place, and tree nailed, the entire surface was sanded flush....then finish sanded....then scraped to a perfect finish.


  6. Speaking of "re-do's"..... We all have experienced this. You take out the camera and snap a few photos for posting, and the camera's eye discovers something you had not previously noticed....or, if you had noticed, you may have thought maybe no one else would. One photo I did not post above was taken of the forward bulkhead below the forecastle, because I could see a noticeable flaw in the height of the bulkhead from port to starboard. After careful re-measurement, I found the port side corner to be 2mm higher than the starboard side corner. It showed up in the photo as the forecastle deck had a noticeable slope toward the starboard side. NOT GOOD.
    So I spent the last two days ripping off the forecastle decking and squaring it up, and re-planking entirely.  This is the best I could come up with....it will just have to do.
    Sometimes I feel like a newbie! Might just be an age thing.


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