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Landlubber Mike

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Image Comments posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. 19 hours ago, Gabek said:

    Very nice, Mike!  On my shelf is 1/700 HMCS Huron, a Tribal Class Destroyer and I have been looking to do exactly what you did here!  I just hope that I can pull it off even half as well as you did.  Superb job.

    Thank you!  Go for it!  PM me if you have any questions!


  2. 2 hours ago, juhu said:

    Absolutely realistic. If already posted somewhere, would ou please link manual for the water effect? Thanks a lot! But the ship itself, particularly when considering the scale is a gem!

    Thank you!


    I think I mentioned this in the build log, but I started with insulation foam board for the base, then used white glue to glue on crinkled pieces of aluminum foil.  Then cover the entire board with a sheet of aluminum foil to help smooth out sharp edges.


    From there, it's priming, and painting (grays, greens, blues, etc.) followed by gloss clear coats.  For wave textures, I used Liquitex heavy gel medium gloss (which dries clear), and for the wave crests, I used cotton from cotton balls (which dries white) attached via the heavy gel medium.

  3. Great work Frankie.  I couldn't agree more on the sails, especially for a ship like a cutter.  I added furled sails on my first build, which to me really added to the model (bare poles take the essence out of these magnificent ships - they are called "sailing ships" for a reason).

  4. Thanks very much guys, I really appreciate the kind words.


    Harry, I knew about the Golden Yacht, but didn't realize that it was more detailed.  I think if I did a ship in bottle again, I would just scratch build it.  I did use the original masts, but as photo etched parts, they are very two-dimensional - plus, if you start bending them, the brass is strong up to a point then will suddenly snap.  That would be the biggest reason for me to scratch another one.

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