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About Rich.F

  • Birthday 12/14/1975

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  • Location
    Portsmouth, uk England
  • Interests
    Model Kits, Plastic and wooden.. Work !! (have to to fund ship building) but before all this is my wife and kids. without them i would not be here. :) Reading non important information. lol

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  1. Greetings all. I thought I would make a follow up completion post.. After a very hard long decision. Lack of space once the case arrived.. I had to sell and pass one the Victory. I ENJOYED every single second spend building talking to every one here, the help & support. I have convinced the wife for a new build but at the moment we/"I" have a a size im only can go to. So the passion for this hobby can continue..
  2. Hi Joe. Thanks very much... like I did with mistakes rip it out start again😅 a few times👍
  3. Thank you Very much Indeed I am. I did not want much to cover the Deck. So came up late with the plan for the launch boats on the sides, and The Small Launch on the base this afternoon 😅 and the large one on Deck can be moved
  4. 2270 days ago on the 3rd April 2014 I started this adventure, not all this time was focused on constitution there was some mutiny causing build construction to halt.. But after a long drawn out debate work carried on finally she is here, with only minor outstanding (case ) waiting ..... im happy, I have fully enjoyed this journey, but it has taken every bit of effort, skill i could. But to everyone that has followed this build log, given much needed support & advice Thank you.
  5. Working hard on rigging and cleaning up parts that need a bit of going over last light took this picture with my work light I was using.
  6. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Is anyone able to shed a little light on this? Just cant understand whats being asked.. The Crossjack Yard: The crossjack yard is held in place by a sling and a truss pendant. The sling is rigged as per the fore main yard and is of 0.5mm black thread. There is only one truss pendant, of 0.5mm black thread, for the crossjack which leads from the starboard side round the back of the mizzen mast, through an eye on the port side then down the port side of the mizzen mast towards the deck. A 3mm double block is tied into the end of the truss approximately 100mm from the deck. A 3mm single block is hooked to a copper eyelet on the deck (position shown on Plan Sheet 18), and the falls of 0.25mm natural are tied into the crown of the block at the same time. A tackle is formed between the two blocks and belays to the circular fife rail on the mizzen mast (b24).
  7. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. As the days just seem to roll in to one, weeks just don't end. Time has been great for building. The photos added have where I have arrived too.. (Fore Yard) (Main Yard) (Mezz yard) (Dont Know Name) Bit at the stern) LOL TBC....
  8. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. with the help of a few. Figured out that there a no parrell beads on the Fore yard(lower) but there are on others. Not sure why... Here are a few picture of how I did . Right or wrong. I think it looks right and good
  9. Greeting all, Have a question, There is no mention of any parrell beads for the Fore Yard No the only thing i could find is this So im guesing Im only req to do this on the main fore yard only... Feeling confused
  10. Hi David, On all 9 sets. made one fro the Fore topmast.... Took a picture... Ive Lost it LOL Searched high and low and cant find it.. really annoyed me,, given up for the day anyway.. will do search later when wife get home from work at Hospital, as she will require attention. Hi Kevin, Thanks for that picture, that almost answers my question. Tomorrow Ill have a look did you guys start from lower yard or top yard?
  11. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Have finished the Fore Yards,, Bloody pain, Thus due to (my) lack of understanding what was needed and visual, But help from others and the Build guides.. Been pondering on how to tackle the parrell" If thats the correct word.. took me a rather long time to find the part as i was unsure and it (Part No..607 &708) Now the next step is my problem trying to figure out how the they fit to yards, I cant find clear enough pictures on it..
  12. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. First yard finished, Think it came out rather well, did learn a few lessons. Just need to wait for the order then I can continue..
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