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Everything posted by Rich.F

  1. Thanks Guys. Need about 300 more tiles to complete this side.. Almost done Ill upload Picture Monday. Still Unsure if to redo starboard side? Hmm..
  2. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Well Progress has been rather rapid this week and I Must say, I have taken a bit not note from Roberts Log, ((Thanks)) LOL Every thing also just slipped in to place, To the point I am at the point to I rip off the side I have completed and do it the same as I am doing. The cost of 1500 tiles are about £40. ($60). But Not sure.. time will tell..
  3. Hi Sam, Joking apart, She is a great looking ship. I do wish I had your skill level,.
  4. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. I have Run out of copper ties this is due to the problems at the start so ill up dat again soon when they have arrived and made more progress.
  5. HI Sam Coming along, and look great, Love seeing the detail and work you put in to the ship. But...... The Curise ship "Britannia" Only took less than 2 years to construct... A great looking ship, I have driven past it. Wiki Just Saying .... Keep up the good work...( so glad im on the other side of the pond..
  6. HI Sam, Sure ill jump on the next flight........ wait... Lost my ticket sorry!!
  7. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Hi Max, Thanks for stopping by, I have had fun with the copper plates and I really don't want to do it again... Its been a challenge
  8. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting> I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you.. From the center out 10 tiles each way.
  9. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. I have PVA/Wood Glue, the hull, tonight i'm going to sand it, then fill it. I have finished for now, the upper gun fixings and the steps to the lower deck. I'm not going to add these until i have finished the hull copper plating.
  10. Hi guys, Not sure if it was water base paint.. the hull was primed with while paint first.. bloody frustrating. oh well. Is it worth coving the hull in pva, sand and fill. Then resand??
  11. Today. Nice sunny day, ( in the UK) I fine sanded the Port Side Hull and Spayed it copper. After a few hours of other ship duties and part building, I sat down to start the copper tiles... And this happend>> Any Suggestions< ?
  12. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. I Did have a Picture before the Cannon Balls and Painting.. Bloody SD card on the phone has come corrupt. Used a Fridge Magnet to stock pile the cannon balls.
  13. Robert, although Im sat in costa atm,(working) your plating to great from here. Keep up the good work dont rush it. If you dont like that little bit take it off.. I did er so many times I need about 1500 new plates... opps
  14. Hi Sam. I ment. The side I have yet to start. Im going to spray copper. Just so any gaps tgat "might" show. Will not be in white. And should blend with the copper paint!!
  15. Greetings All, Thank you every one for dropping by, Leaving a comment advice or a like. Well, I now have finished ONE side... Did not realize it's taken so Bloody long. well it was the rd attempt. Got to right (well I like it). Anyway.. Ill be starting the other side soon, I have how ever, While reading posts etc, I'm going to paint/Spray the hull in copper before I start. Tc All
  16. Hi Robert, You have done some really nice work there, keep it up, Look forward to see how you do on the copper plates
  17. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. The Hull is coming along the last few night I have been touching up the paint work, as we have a few friends round for amean so ""wife"" said i need to keep the house clean n tidy. I'm no the last little bit of the hull. I should have this done this weekend, Depending if I get call out into work I have just been looking at the picture, not really noticed it in the UK day light ! , a few area on the bow needs to be buffed out, I this i think ill leave till all the hull is done and give it a good going over in one go.
  18. Hello All Sorry for no updates for a while, I been working on a few decorating in the house. I been reading when I can MSW, A very small update, I wonder If my new Friend will add this and get things moving faster. After a vist to a comic con today ' He followed me!
  19. Just a small update, Copper plates are slow, but coming along. This is the first chance I have had since before the holidays.
  20. My old work table that i have used New work table, that my lovely wife brought. " don't say I help you with your boat" BOAT......it's a SHIP... Love her though!!
  21. Wishing one and all on MSW . A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  22. Hi jerry, fantastic, truly fantasic.. Been waiting for this picture for weeks. Good luck with the half moon
  23. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. A update for the hull plating, Not had that much time to continue at the moment. after the weekend I have 3 days till I have 12days off work. so I should get a lot more done. Happy Holidays to one and all.
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