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Everything posted by Rich.F

  1. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. A few updated pictures
  2. Hi all, Been working hard over the last few weeks on the build (Pictures to follow) .. I had a few research nights and a few things that i did not understand some of what " The beakhead Capping Assembly" think I have it now. Came across these Just thought I would share:
  3. HI All, I have been slowly working on the ship, Shes coming along nice and er, slow. A few minor changes made, (not reading plans properly) Took a break from building as i was getting home from work and not enjoying the build as it was becoming more of a chore than fun, Plus its been a nice summer ( well as good as England gets .. and now the Rugby is on well !! ) ... The main problem I had was the gun port patterns (forecastle) 276, I made the error of not breaking out the bulkhead pattens 1-5 1-13,, and of course I have added the second planking etc, lets not forget the paint!!. I wasnt unill I placed the hand rails and the Snatch block (61) I realized my mistake ..........two weeks later........ The Upper deck is now finished and bulk walls in place, Im just cleaning up the build now touching up the paint etc, and going to work on... ( not sure).. must read the manual.. If any body want a copy of the manual i have them in a Word 2007 format. (to big to upload here PM me with you email if you like) Well thats it for now TC all.
  4. Hi Dominic, You great looking ship so far. Look forward to your progress
  5. Fantastic work, I do wish mine was coming out this good Tc
  6. You can get the set from CMB. ( hope this helps) 34025 H.M.S. Victory 1:78 Sails Set
  7. hey Guys The fitting on the end of the 0.5mm x 3mm ?
  8. Thanks Very Much Guys, I offered one up last night David, I do see what you mean.
  9. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Im Looking at the moment, ( as I cant do anything till next week as I'm working, then away the weekend. Can anyone tell me what the part is on the Gun port lid Please,
  10. Sorry to hear that mate, Hope you get it soon (look forward to pictures)
  11. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. One cannon Finished, As you can see what i have done with the rope rigging, I think it looks ok, as the rope would not have been left of the deck to rot. Ill upload the other 4(that can be seen) when I have done them.
  12. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Shihawk, Thanks for your feed back, I was 99% sure i was doing to rig every thing and do everything... but its may not happen due to the fiddly side of this, but time will tell. I'm in no rush to finish this, ( although I do have an idea for the next kit) Peter, Thanks for that, The Next one Im doing to off deck, to see ( we can but only try ) Sam, Thanks for that, I made side of the rope and the other I pulled to optimized length when it was in place. your right about the ring size. Looks better, I think the ones I started with was some I had fr something else that I thought was the right ones. Never mind I have now primed some 100 ish of the rings (part480 Take care all
  13. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. HI Gary, I go see what you mean, I have in fact now stripped and re rigged that gun, and it has more slack. This is the look was hoping for just not got there yet, although im not that worried about the cannons you can see, ( I have figured you that i was using wrong size rings (left side is the wrong size and out of scale, ( although this would aid rigging) so, in my normal faction, ""redo"" again.. So after our BBQ, today ill prime and paint , etc., Does anyone have a good idea on the easiest way to rig the cannons, as i has tremendous trouble? As what i was thinking I have one made, pull out the rings and make them of deck, then attach when done. Thanks for following and looking
  14. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Thanks for the advice, I have tried CA, a few stuck. I have brought a 90 second epoxy. Ill see how that goes, I have added a rigged cannon to the rear starboard side. It can only get better,
  15. Hi All I'm wondering if anyone can tll me or explain the best/ easiest way to glue brass to brass? what im doing to attaching brass rings to the cannons. cheers
  16. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. ​Well as the build continues> I had a few problems with keeping the lines on the hull straight, ( too what i was looking for) I get paper tape form the local store. and was getting a lot of bleeding though the tape, after searching the net, I found a few references to the Tamiya tape, I found it in the local hobbies store. Can only give it a go, the results were very high, a very small bit of bleeding. Nothing to bad. ~ Not sure if at this stage to varnish with mat clear? oh far to much to think about today....
  17. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Just a small update, I have make a template for the gun ports to center drill the 1.5mm hole for the gun barrels. I have cleaned up all the gun ports, rubbed don the upper hull, re pained the gun ports, and the black on the hull.. I'm trying to get the starboard side finished , except for the gun port lids, , Gallery is almost complete too. I'm need of some advice, Shell I use blacken it or paint the cannons?
  18. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Just a small update just working on a few bit that I can do with a few hours spare. I wanted to finish the quarter galleries. (Parts 178+73) OMG, That was such pain. I could not find any reference for the installation. I Seached and searched.. well this is how its turned out so far. Part 73, I sanded an edge to it, it looked better that just a square edge..
  19. I could not wait to order part from CBS, So I took a strip of walnut 0.5 x 4mm hand sanded an L shape pattern, once glued I lightly sanded to blend in with the hull so no lip is visible, then sanded the whole strip so its not to thick. TBH, This is what i was thinking although every ones advice was great and helpful. Going to be clearing up work area now, then clean up the painting on the hull and toughing up where needed. I am working on the starboard side, with anything that needs adding , I have painted the door arch parts.. ... cheers to all
  20. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. Trying to find a supplier for styrene Strips, and look into this, I think this will make a better finish.
  21. Hi Guys, Sam, Just wanted to have a sharper line, Anton, Thanks very much for that. I think I have read do that somewhere before. I have a few Ideas running around the head now!
  22. Just a small update. port side hull finished, Now just need to clean it up a little. Any ideas on how to sharpen up the finished Water line?
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