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Everything posted by Rich.F

  1. HI all, I have added the Wales (Pic to follow), over the last few days which I found at time hard, well the lineament of the first one, I have how ever, Stand up and say i made a mistake, I used 1x4mm for the upper Wales, For what ever reason I had read it but the time i came to them forgot it should be 1x3.5mm,, So this had to be cut out and re done. Im happy with it now. I now need to start lining the lower gun ports.. Not a task I'm looking forward to....
  2. Wife said you hurt his feelings, (Chinchilla) Sam Yep, Im still working on the hull, im starting to realize the depth of the build
  3. Great Work, and very nice pictures, Jerry, I hope all goes well and your recovery will be a speedy one. Take it easy, your be back in the dry dock soon enough,
  4. HI All, Sorry about the lack of updates, Thank you all for a stopping by looking commenting and/or liking, Very much appreciated.; I have planking the upper deck ( not yet at a stage im happy with, needed sanding and weathering I have planked up the starboard side above the gun ports im now happy with it, I put the inner patterns in with a strip of 1x4mm in to give my edge, the cannons fit very nice like this, i still dont understand why the patterns are out... Ill up date soon,
  5. HI everyone, Haven't really done any thing been far to busy at work at the moment to to any work in the Ship Yard No 10, I have played with my sander and cutting 85mm planks for the deck. I hope to start planking the deck for the inner gun ports. I'm doing this now before the inner pattens as i'm not happy at the hight of a gun pattens Right off to work. Tc all
  6. Welcome Back Jerry, Glad you had a good time. Sorry to hear the pain your in,
  7. HI Sam looks good. If you had not said you made the cut short, no one would have known. But glad you have got a little bit more done, Kept it up.
  8. Hello All, Well even though i brought a new toy, Hid it from the wife....I have told wife now, as there is a few other toys in the catalogue.. She paid for dinner and I never slept on the sofa .. Been a busy day. I have planked up no both side to a point were I now need to re add the inner gun port pattens... No point of pictures, but i'll add when i inner patterns are added . Thanks for viewing.
  9. Well I did it I just brought this, I have had hours of fun already...... Hiding it from the wife Not bad for £72.00 ($124 usd ) They had a new other little toys I may get to play with..
  10. I would like to wish all my US. Friends followers and all, a Happy July 4th
  11. Hanging head in shame.... O,k Guess ill be taking them out then David, Thanks Not like how they sat anyway. David, Think I will get You and the wife to read the instructions next time I read, read and re read that part. then the wife found it..
  12. Well that was a nice coffee, Yep 1x10mm I have ordered more, Just waiting for them now from CWM ,been looking over what i have done, not sure if I like how the gun ports have come out, I may Prime the wood, and see who it looks after. Still having fun, I either work on the ship or not depending if i'm tired from work etc Schnu, Im also glad i have not been using the wrong size, but you know when just have that feeling something is wrong. Kevin, Thanks, Ill have a look at yours in a bit. once i have cleaned up after dinner.. Thanks in advance for stopping by,
  13. Just Sat Down to start a few more gun ports, realized and thought,There is no more 1x10mm, there was only one length I have 5x16m lengths, am I using the wrong size for the gun ports? Oh what a great end to a rubbish day! Time to make a coffee and re read the book.
  14. very nice, work Glen, How are you finding cutting the plates and how? what type of varnish are you using?
  15. Thank you all for viewing,likes and comments Well, I have managed to size and line another 5 Gun port. should finish the lower Gun ports on the starboard side. finding it bit fiddly, but no rush, just sat here watching tv while working.
  16. Hello David, Ok that's great I did wonder why they where on on the templates, Have you had a issue when lining the gun ports, and checking the size with the lids and they are to small?
  17. HI Paul, Just Came Across your Log, Very Nice work So far, I do Like Contrcuto Kits (only built one) LOL.. But Good Luck with the rest of build.
  18. Hello All Thought I would sit down tonight and post and update from the No 10 Ship yard, Thank you all for comments and likes, very appreciated. I have installed the rework of the inner gun port (one side, atm) and lined the gun ports and slowly working my way up with the 2nd layer of planking, I have decided to line the rest of the gun ports just to break up the build for now. I also have noticed that i need to cut out 2 gun ports on the bow Gun ports are are 2x per night Cheers
  19. HI Nick, er NO!! you did not, I guess the baby has kept you busy?. Hope all is well you you all?, No not been waiting much only been like 6months LOL who's counting .. when erver you have time pal. Yes she sure is and about 20x the size
  20. HI All thanks for stopping by, appreciated as always I have half way lined the starboard side gun ports, should have this finished this weekend and some of the planking >Paul, Hello and welcome to my log, I will give that a try, what sort of mix, 1/1? >Glen, Ill Let you know about the netting, over the weekend >Antony:, Hello and Welcome, Totally agree the help and support from everyone is fantastic, Sometime i dont write and update post, I just troll though logs, so see what people are doing, tipsand see if i could add advice. up to there.
  21. I'm also glad its sorted that baffled me for a good few hours. Does anyone know where to get the netting from as there was none in the kit? Sam, Yes!!!! only about 20 + to make, Glen, A Lot has changed, I have lived here all my life and my Father took me to a few time when there was a mess drink at HMS Vernon,( was was so young then, LOL Hope you have a great time down here. (( you will probably need a good half day to enjoy every thing now.))
  22. Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. After taking the Advice from David & Glen, (thanks again) As you can see the pencil line I carefully cut and sanded this off, it fits great now, I still have other side so to. I did make a cannon,( not fully glued as i there are a few things i want to do, but just to prove its now at the right hight. (There is not decking under the cannon, I had removed it,so it will be a few mm higher. Will work on the rest for the next week or so
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