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    New York USA
  1. Warship, Both kits have build logs on this website,plenty of info. Search forums for OcCre Joe
  2. Please check build log of The Santa Ana by San Martin on this web site, excellent pictures of his build Good Luck Joe
  3. Ronald, Check out Tower Hobbies website (near Chicago), they have Latina kits on sale. Joe
  4. Ronald, Cornwall model boats (England) has it in stock, most posts on this site are very positive about them. Joe
  5. Ronald, Check some of the posts on this site about Nature Coast Hobbies, they are not positive, mostly negative. Joe
  6. Beware of kits on ebay, Remember the old saying " You get what you pay for" usually there is something missing. check the build log of canoe21, he made the AL kit look like Caldercrafts Victory Joe
  7. Check out You Tube, there is a build video on the Santa Ana Joe
  8. Be careful with ordering OCCRE kits from Ages of Sail, check the difference in prices from them with Cornwall Model Boats in UK, there is a major difference in US dollars, shipping charges are probably included in Ages prices on all kits from them, not only OCCRE.
  9. Thank You Sjors on your information on no English instructions on the Montanes. I have been following your build on the San Ildefonso, excellent photos and build. I wouldn't need English instructions with the information you have provided here. Thank You again Joe
  10. Ricardo, Does the kit have English instructions? I have heard that the OCCRE kits lack good English instructions. This is something I would definitely need. Thanks Joe
  11. Your workshop is like your model, unbelievable. Joe
  12. This is one of the top builds on this forum, excellent. So much to learn from, Thank You Joe
  13. Richard, The Victory kit is not released yet by Amati, they are rebuilding their web site. Joe
  14. Chris, Great to hear all is well, and answered the questions on shipping the Victory kit. New York is along way from Italy, but the cost will be worth it. There have been over 56,000 views of this forum (amazing). Your Victory model was amazing. Good luck on your new project. Joe
  15. Major changes at Model Expo, see post from Marc who owned Model Expo years ago. Joe
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