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About Davemc

  • Birthday 09/11/1953

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    Newcastle upon Tyne, England

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  1. Completed this ship pictures attached, although they are not particularly good.
  2. Sides just about completed, now the decision as to how to work the bow & stern. I think it will be trial and hopefully not too much error, I intend taking down the layers of ply on the boat itself rather than the scroll work, but the final decision will have to wait until I have completed the removal of the first layer.
  3. Completed the lower hull, now to start fitting the side pieces
  4. I gather that I will have to drill the oar holes in the top plank using the plans as a template, any hints on doing this without causing damage would be appreciated!
  5. Attached is the diagram in the Oseberg manual, which I found different from the materials supplied, two separate pieces arranged in a different way, fortunately I soon realised the symmetry of the construction and was easily able to work out the position of each frame.
  6. Having completed HMS Cruiser and HMS Snake I decided I needed a break from Rigging😕 and having seen Jack P's build log I have decided to try the Oseberg. After an initial confusion at finding that the laser cut frames were arranged in a different pattern to the diagram in the plans I have set to it and started the keel. I have decided to stain the wood dark mahogany and have stained the frame and planks with two initial coats. I have mahogany veneer to cover exposed plywood edges, but otherwise will be using the wood supplied Photos to follow
  7. Thanks but it does not match the laser cut parts in the two pieces I have
  8. Hi saw your log and the great results and decided to try my hand at building the Oseberg, unfortunately the plans do not correspond with the laser cut frames! I have attached images of the laser cut wood. If anyone can help with the numbering I would be grateful. Dave
  9. I cannot remember if the numbers on the plan were correct or not but I soon learned not to seal and trim the lines as after all were fitted I had to go around and re-tension a number of them. Dave
  10. Sorry beyond my knowledge and skill level Dave
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