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  1. As I was looking at the cabin, I decided I didn't like the brown paint I used. It looked to light so I decided to change the brown color to a darker shade. Glad I decided before got to far into the build.
  2. I started on the cabin. Taking it slow and enjoying everything coming to together.
  3. I skipped planking until I have enough time from work to complete without distractions. I did start with some of the deck fixtures.
  4. My plan is to build a static model. My focus is on working ships like trawlers and fishing boats.
  5. Hi, 


    Initial progress on the Artesania Marina 11, up to attaching deck to frames and at this point questioning how to ensure deck / glue / frames all make contact long enough for glue to take strength.  As you may recall the tops of the frames where they will/should make contact with the deck are curved initially up from the false keel and the downwards to the edges of the frames, also curving down from bow to stern. Using either contact or white glue I am assuming the need to clamp numerous points of contact but due to curves of the frames have yet to find a successful manner in which to secure all points of intended contact.

    I  would be most appreciative if you can recall how you assured contact at all points was achieved while the glue set.


    Thanks and regards Beginner (Colin)



  6. Colin, I build my stands myself no plans. I do look around the internet for ideas. I enjoy the build of the stand as much as the model itself. Good luck with your build and I would encourage you to start a build log to share to this community.
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