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  1. Hi Bill, To un-kink rigging line, I use an old female hair curling iron -- I bought mine at Goodwill for $3. Let it heat up for a couple of minutes, then slowly pull your rigging line through between the heated part and the spring clamp part. You might have to run it through a couple of times, depending on how kinked your line is, but it will straighten out nicely. I built the Pride several years ago with the help of Bob Hunt's practicum. The rigging diagram on the MS iplans are pretty confusing so I opted for a more simplified version that Hunt suggests. It may not be perfectly accurate, but it looks good on my shelf, but that is what counts most to me.
  2. Keith, you shouldn't be embarrassed about making 'mistakes'. I've done several models now and haven't made a perfect one yet. I doubt if anyone here has either. I'll start up a log as soon as I can find my camera. If it comes out looking half as good as yours, I'll be satisfied. By the way, I also built the Bounty Launch a couple of years ago. I've thought about doing a 'full Bounty' sometime in the future to go along with it. Maybe after my Viking sets sail.
  3. Hi Keith-- I just received my kit and will be starting up on it today. Thanks for your detailed postings. I'll be using this to guide me along. By the way, my high school football (American-style!) team was the Northeast Vikings, so this ship will fit right into my fleet. Steve B.
  4. Hi Keith -- Your build looks great. I'm thinking about doing this one myself, after the holidays when I get my boat room back. I really like the base and pedestal you have, curious where I might pick these up myself. Thanks. Steve B
  5. Hi Bill - I built the Pride myself a couple of years ago, with the help of Bob Hunt's practicum. I highly recommend it although a bit pricey. I'd also suggest a book, "Pride of the Sea", which details the building of the first Pride and it's tragic demise. I'll look forward to following your progress. Steve B.
  6. Hi Dragzz - I'm in the middle of building one of these myself, been working on it sporadically for the past 6 months. It's not a particularly difficult build, but there are some challenges to it. Instructions are pretty sparse, but pictures in the manual are good. Just take it one step at a time and have fun with it.
  7. So sorry to hear, Jim. My mother died of this in 1999. Hospice and doctors were able to keep her relatively pain-free, and she passed peacefully at my sister's home in Orlando. She was diagnosed pretty late in the disease, so only had a couple of months, but I hear the medical community has made strides in fighting this since then, so I hope you are one of the lucky ones. Take care, and don't 'give up the ship' too early.
  8. Good to see you back at it, Mario. Let us know when and where this kit becomes available for the rest of us.
  9. Thanks, John. I certainly don't consider myself a skilled modeler, though. I become a new beginner every time I start up one of these builds. There's always more to learn and some new problem to figure out.
  10. Thanks for the pointers, John. I've built several Model Shipways boats but haven't tackled one of the 'foreign' kits until now. I know what you mean about being wary of the instructions and some of the supplied parts, but so far I've always figured out a way around types of problems. I guess it's part of the challenge (fun?) of this hobby.
  11. Hi Adrieke -- I've been lurking around your forum for awhile now, and finally decided to jump in. I have a King on order, which should arrive next week. I'm looking forward to casting off with you, Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn. If you haven't already, you may want to read Mark Twain's "Life on the Mississippi". I'll probably reread this myself to get back 'in the mood'.
  12. Hi John -- My King is on order and should arrive next week-- a birthday present to myself (65 and still going strong!). I'm looking forward to getting underway with the help or your and Adrieke's builds here.
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