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Everything posted by Siggi52

  1. Hello, today I painted the hull. There are only some small things to repair the next days, where the paint run under the masking tape. But first the paint must entirely dry.
  2. Thank you Druxey, and also all others for your likes.
  3. Hello and many thanks for your likes, Noel, the crew is working in the hold and orlop deck. Thats why you did't saw them the last time 😉 But I was also busy today, because it rained outside. The last two fenders are build in. The painter has a lot of work the next days, painting the hull, before I could start painting the frieze.
  4. If you think so, Marc, it will work. 😉 Today I painted the installed fenders and tomorrow I try to build the fore fenders. And after that, ...the frieze and the other artwork is my next goal. 😰
  5. Marc, if you look at the picture of the Superb, there the frieze is also, partly, painted on paper. I will try to paint directly on the model
  6. Thank you Greg, during I wrote the reply for Druey, your mail arrived here. That is really a question, how did they do it in reality. I think because they had to replace the fenders more often when worn out, they go over the rails. At most models you could't see how it was made, because of the thick layer of lacquer.
  7. Thank you Druxey, with that I was not really sure how to do it, but at the old models they did it the same way 🙁 So at least I did't know how it was made at the real ships. Superb Thunderer/Hercules
  8. Hello and many thanks for your likes, because we had last week here three days spring, my garden needed my attention. But I painted the steps and build the hind fenders for both sides.
  9. Good morning Mark, at one draughts for the Dragon there are these extra stools for the mizen backstays, but an other draught of the Dragon did't show them. and this picture is from the Thunderer/Hercules, which I believe is the Dragon. The Superb did't have them Also the Centurion once had them, and the 60 gun warship has them. That are 60 gunners from the 1740's But also newer ships have these stools, Standart 1782, Glory 1788 and Prudent 1768, just as examples. So it's not unusual.
  10. Hello and thank you all for your likes, it is done, they are fast. 😓 The next step is, to secure them with wood dowels and paint them. But that is for tomorrow.
  11. Thank you Druxey, they are all signed and numbered 😉
  12. Hello and many thanks for your likes, today the first results, the steps for the port side are ready. That was a harder job then expected.
  13. Hello, because all these steps are different, I decided to profile them from above and below. The fronts of the steps are between 4 and 4,6 mm So, one profile from above and one from below and the result So, if you hear the next weeks nothing from me, I'm busy 😉
  14. Hello, after a short break at the yard, now the steps. I made them 3,5 mm wide and 4 mm high as at the plan. At all models I looked at, they where higher than wide. At least they are at there places.
  15. Thank you Druxey, and all others for your likes That would be then 22,8 cm, or 4,77 mm in 1:48. Then I was with my guess not so far away from that
  16. Hello again, did anybody know how deep the steps at the side of the ship where? When I calculate with 25 cm, they must be 5,2 mm deep. But at the models they look smaller. The gun port lids to the right would be 18 mm high and 2 mm thick. Then the steps would be only circa 4 mm/20 cm deep
  17. Hello and many thanks for your likes and comments now the last scrolls are done 😅 You may also notice, that I painted the underwater ship new. The dark areas in the pictures are shadows and noise. So don't worry, it's now mostly white with only a little weathering at the hull and a dirt ring around the ship where is normally the water surface. But at the pictures it looks really dark 😕 The next things to do are the steps
  18. Hello, Dowmer, here is the second and last lesson: how to carve scrolls 😉 The left is ready and the other prepared for finial carving And here they are build in. The varnish and glue are not already dry, so I have to correct may be this and that tomorrow. If you look at the yellow part of the hull, it's fascinating how much of the planking you could see, even when there are now 4 layers of paint on it.
  19. Hello, thank you for your likes and Druxey for your kind words. I do my very best 😇 today I prepared the next scrolls. That are the larges and most complicated one. A Euro cent has a diameter of 16,25 mm. That is my filigree thumb, not that of King Kong!
  20. Hello and many thanks for your likes, picture and comments now the second scroll is also ready, but they are at least not installed. There I have to fix something before that.
  21. Hello Keith, the ready carved and painted one is for the starboard side. This one. The next one would be a challenge 😨
  22. Hello and many thanks for your likes Keith, would you drive me in the ruin? The King did't pay very much After the warm up rounds, now the next scroll. The left one is fresh glued and the wether is fine today, so it must wait. With the parts painted, you see at least all the unevennesses. This time I'm waiting till tomorrow and clean it then up. But I think this time I got it. The parts are 12 mm high.
  23. Hello and thank you, thank you I think I made it. Even when the scrolls look at the moment a little bit uneven. I hope that when the paint has dried, they look better. Here one is nearly ready and at the second I started carving the basic form. As you could see, here are at least the rails smooth. And here are both ready. The left is 8 mm high, the right 7.5 mm. The rails are 3 mm hight and 1 mm deep. And here is all installed. The painter has painted just the rest. His favored paint is red, I think. I did't see him every day, but when I see hin he is painting red 😉
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