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  1. Creating lots of grief? That a firm yes. Will report back once I’ve wrapped my head around this a bit more. What I like about the clamps I have is not that I can torque them but that they have relatively large clamping surfaces and I can make fine adjustments to the pressure by way of the knurled knob. My thinking was that the pressure would be more controllable than with spring clamps. Thank for the tips. Coming over from solid hull models has been an interesting experience.
  2. Thank to all for the suggestions. I am impressed by your but ingenuity unfortunately they are beyond my capabilities. TBlack: I like the ones I have because they do not mar the wood. Having said that I have never tried the alligator clips but see they are commonly used. Do they leave dimples on the planking?
  3. Hello all, I wonder if anyone can tell me where I might find clamps like that below (throat = 1 1/4”). I have been able to locate them only on Japanese and Finnish sites through an image search (I am new to modeling so it’s likely I’ve missed some specialized sites where these are to be found). The plan is to use them to secure planking during glue ups. Thanks, Chris
  4. Very nice work. Would you mind telling me how you made the jig seen in the first two pictures in the first post? I am especially interested in the the metal pieces and whether/how they are attached on the work board. Thanks. Chris
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