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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. 50 rough cut timber heads that were cut on the Preac table saw using a .010 saw blade
  2. Greg i had to edit the video as some how i decided to slide the fixed blocks down between the ribs instead of following the written instruction of pushing it through the hull. Humm, age is a bitch. Anyway i have corrected the video and the blocks now slide in. I assume they had a pin that would hold the entire block in place to prevent everything from sliding out when under load?
  3. Reduced the thickness even further to .05mm and it even took a compound curve without cracking. So I am vey happy. The wood is still green cut about a month ago as such it has not totally dried out. It will be interesting to repeat this in two months time and see the results.
  4. Just cut and bent some trial ribs. The first one 1.5mm thick. Soaked the strip and then bent on the form. One side bent while the other splintered on the bend . I reduced the size to 1 mm thick and it bent beautifully on both sides.
  5. Cant find a video on her build but lots of photos on the App Pintrest
  6. The work so far looks great but i would spend some time preparing and sanding the blocks. You have spent so much effort putting in all that fantastic work into the model, that you do not want to short change the finial look with square unfinished looking blocks. Tom Laurier has two excellent videos on YouTube. I suggest you look at these befor you start installing. I was able to get the kit supplied blocks to look great. It just took a few TV shows, some fine sand paper and some time. Best regards kevin
  7. I am not sure of the type as it is a local guava that we grew up with but i will investigate and get back to you. The reason i decided to try is that it is a very bendy wood particually when dry. In my youth it was a favourite stick uaed to keep us in line. If your wood blanks are splitting do you paint the end grain? If you do not seal the ends of the planks it will split as the ends dry out before the center. This happens with most hard woods
  8. I have just secured some Guava wood which i have put in drying rack. My hope that this will allow me to steam bend ribs to be used in building life boats ribs. Tbis wood has excellent bending properties but until i use it i will not know if it will perform as I wish.
  9. Here is another wonderful video on the history of the Royal Navy from 1806-1918
  10. The Caribbean remains a fantastic place to spend your vacation. I have spent almost all of my sundays from age 10 in a sailing boat with the exception of my time in University. I have also been fortunate to sail up and down the Caribbean literally 100’s of times, each time it always feels new and special. I would have made a very happy pirate in the 16th and 17th centuries.
  11. She looks great. I have found that applying heat off the model is the best way to induce bend. I have a Monocote blower but the truth is any hair dryer will work. Usually i make up a bend form off the model because bending on the model can cause something else to bend. I have to say all your paint lines look crisp and straignt. You have given your self a wonderful Christmas present. Enjoy the season. kevin
  12. There is a CA remover that can be purchased. Most of us use CA and 5bere is not enough history to know the long term life of this glue. Having said that its such a wonderful and helpful product i would not stop using it myself. I tend to mix use all sorts of glues, PVA, EPOXY, 5 minute to 24 hours, CA thinand thick. Changes in humidity are probabely more of a risk than the glue you se. perhaps the best advice was given in an earlier post to make sure you have a rough surface and no a polished surface so you get a good bond no matter what glue you use. If you need to remove a piece that is already stuch there is usually a referance in the glue speck that tells you how to remove the particular glue. enjoy your modeling and do not over think it too much. Cheers
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