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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. Coming to the end, cleaning up the lines, adding the reefing lines, starting on the rope coils
  2. Middle stay sail had been replaced which means all the Sails and rigging are now complete. Just need some tidying up, place the coils of rope, cut off the loose ends, add the flags and anchor chain and we are done. Then to make the display cases. The model on the left used the cloth sails supplied with the kit while the one on the tight used silkdpan sails. I can see my skill improve as I went along under the guidance of Tom Lauria’s fantastic videos.
  3. Close to the end andvthis happens. Dam , can’t put too much pressure on Silkspan
  4. You are very kind Cricket and I appreciate your comments . That’s the reason I did the videos in the first place so I am pleased that you found them useful . As life would have it I just returned last night from the Tobago keys and Carriacou so I’ll post some memories. Best regards kevin
  5. The silk span can tear easily so I use a needle to poke holes in it and then put some thin CA on the needle and reinsert. This makes a strong hole. Gently use thread to attach to the sail then attach to the mast hoop.
  6. The fore Gaff sail sheets, the loose side is 23” long while the sheeted side is 13” long
  7. Hi Scott when i had just started my modeling passion i had access to very little printed material and started collecting any books i could get my hands on. In a moment of weakness i purchased this series. To be honest i have accessed it very few times.
  8. These photos show the clean up and the positioning of the lines as they come out of the corners. It should be an easy fix.
  9. https://youtu.be/NjadS07KnTU
  10. Good mroning Ab from Trinidad. Its wonderful that you have joined us. I have both your books and enjoy reading them. This group of special people are fantastic and will appreciate your contribution As we go forward. I am still collecting data on the Tobago 1677 ships but way short of sufficient information that will result in my building a model of one of these ships. Welcome kevin Kenny
  11. Toni so happy for you. She look fantastic. I guess youll take a breath and start your next project. Have you decided on that as yet?
  12. These are the three bits i use with the Turbo carver to refine and clean up my blocks. Good blocks are essential to a realistic model.
  13. If you slightly sand the edges any difference will dissappear. I have also made moundings on my Proxoon shaper and on my table saw both with excellent results.
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