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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. Toni you have left a good path for us to follow. I am always referencing your work and it has been very instrumental in my build of the Thorn. Congratulations on a fantastic build. Best regards kevin
  2. I have decided to reduce the end at the stern on strake 7 to 5” instead of 10.5” so that i end below the top of stern keelson. I have noticed in one of the builds that the end was also reduced to two strakes treated similarly to the front of the stemson. Maybe i should have curved #6 more at the stern end!
  3. I have decided to reduce the end at the stern on strake 7 to 5” instead of 10.5” so that i end below the top of stern keelson. I have noticed in one of the builds that the end was also reduced to two strakes treated similarly to the front of the stemson. Maybe i should have curved #6 more at the stern end!
  4. Greg they arrived on sat so I’ll pick them up next month when I am in New York.
  5. Very well done. I know how difficult this was to do as i too made a set for my America build.
  6. Greg they arrived on sat so I’ll pick them up next month when I am in New York.
  7. I am developing a clamp that will go between the frames to hold the internal planks. This is my first attempt that i will refine over time
  8. Hi Hal the dowel tool comes from Vander lay Industries . Here is the link http://vanda-layindustries.com/html/treenail_instructions.html
  9. Great idea about the knurled screws but they will be almost impossible to find here in Trinidad. I do have washers on the screws. The wood is an extreamly hard wood which i threaded then put CA so it should last a while. I am in New York next month and will try to find the screws.
  10. Greg was the end of the second limber strake also thinned to 2” over 9ft and was the end tapered over 9ft
  11. Haha, it can’t get any worst than my path. But you know something, the journey has been fantastic and my skills have improved as I get past each challenge, each screw up and perhaps more important, ever time I get it right the first time. Kevin
  12. Its so great to be following you in my build. I cant tell you how much i learned from following your progress.
  13. I just like epoxy for major strength pieces. I am a big boat builder and cant get epoxy out of my system. I could have cut it out but the truth is i was able to solve the problem.
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