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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. I am goig to suggest you look at Tom Lauria YouTube. Ideo. I feel its a but late for your model but its worth thinking about for the next project. He also has some hints on folding sails. best regards kevin
  2. Go to Tom Lauria on you Tube and all will be revealed. I just completed my first Silkspan sails and it was not to painful. Toms video is excellent.
  3. I was check some of my models. One has a knot preventing the line from going through the block another goes through the block and is tied to the mast
  4. Finial pieces to the scratch built. I decided to use one of the anchors on each boat. I excuse myself.
  5. Completed the scratch built modelFinial pieces to the scratch built. I decided to use one of the anchors on each boat. I excuse myself.
  6. Hi Walter i would love if you could remember where you got that information from as i plan to write a paper at then end. Even the front curved hatch i have done a bit differently. The drawings i have seen have it as part of a circle but i built it differently as curved hatch tops had a common solution and did not have to be perfectly curved. The curved circle would have been very difficult to access and use. Glad you find the videos of use, not very professional but should be instructive. I plan to do one last one when i finish. I may also add the case but am not sure as i have done two different ones on building cases.
  7. Coming to the end, cleaning up the lines, adding the reefing lines, starting on the rope coils
  8. Middle stay sail had been replaced which means all the Sails and rigging are now complete. Just need some tidying up, place the coils of rope, cut off the loose ends, add the flags and anchor chain and we are done. Then to make the display cases. The model on the left used the cloth sails supplied with the kit while the one on the tight used silkdpan sails. I can see my skill improve as I went along under the guidance of Tom Lauria’s fantastic videos.
  9. Close to the end andvthis happens. Dam , can’t put too much pressure on Silkspan
  10. You are very kind Cricket and I appreciate your comments . That’s the reason I did the videos in the first place so I am pleased that you found them useful . As life would have it I just returned last night from the Tobago keys and Carriacou so I’ll post some memories. Best regards kevin
  11. The silk span can tear easily so I use a needle to poke holes in it and then put some thin CA on the needle and reinsert. This makes a strong hole. Gently use thread to attach to the sail then attach to the mast hoop.
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