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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. I had an unfortunate incident last week travelling from Tobago back to Trinidad in a friends boat. We stuffed the bow through a wave and the entire boat got flooded. Unfortunately my iPad got wet and is now dead. I lost the files that I had taken so will be waiting on the launch of the new iPad from apple this month before restarting the build.
  2. If its from Caldercraft i have a series of videos on Vimeo that covers most of the build. best regards Kevin
  3. Thanks for all ypur frank comments. The purpose of doing the video was to be instructive and once you admit to one mistake the other 100 are easy to admit to. Just thinking ahead. I have no idea what the figuerhead on the Thorn was. Any though on how i should try to identify the figuer head? Should i just leave it out? Kevin
  4. i have to tell you i have been to the wall a few times and did get discouraged. But i am a stubborn SOB and have spent most of my life dusting myself off and getting back on track. This build is no different. I still have to take out two frames which i will do next week. This group of modelers deserves a clap on the back, because it is a word here and there that kept me going.Keep well. Kevin
  5. The plane you see in the shop is a 1/3 cub kit from Yellow aircraft. She flys beautifully.. The build was actually started by a friend who got cancer and eventually died and i furfilled a promise to him to complete the build for him.
  6. This is the last Video this year. Many thanks for all your support and help. Kevin
  7. First of all my frame plan ZAZ 4691 A aft does not show a " cast" at the top. My gut feels to follow the book and not the plan in this case? Your comment. I am a bit confused on the frames sent to me via email. Greg Can you see if i have it right There are 11 frames left. I have use the "@" to depict the center. Starting at the back, - 1 aft. floor Spacers -1 fore. crosschock -1B , floor, top timber shifts aft. -1A , crosschock, -@1 fore. Floor, scarf joint Spacers -@ center, crosschock Spacers -@A, floor -A aft., crosschock, maybe cast at the top? -A fore. floor -B aft., crosschock Spacers -B fore., floor
  8. I had to change some errors in the video so had to repost. Kevin
  9. I had to take a rest after a real bad bout of flu. But i am back and used the time to clean up the inside of the frames on the model. In the process i modified one of my Proxxon sanding tools and have invited Proxxon to produce some accessories that may be of use to our hobby.
  10. so waht you are saying is that all the tops of the frames are cut flat and added after. I wondered how i was going to cut holes for each of the timberheads to pass through the rail ( not sure of the correct term) . This makes so much sense.
  11. At the time i started posting it was very difficult to post quality video , that has since changed but i had already picked a place to host my videos and so am sticking to vimeo.
  12. The reason i chose Vimeo over YouTube was the quality. The down side to Vimeo is that ypu will need at leat 2m to view. Sorry about that.
  13. Not sure why you cannot see the video as it is on vimeo open to the public. Is there something i can do to help you get access? Best regards Kevin
  14. I will give it a try and see how they come out. As always thanks for the feedback. Kevin
  15. Hi Greg what do you think about Toni point. See my response to him here. Hi Toni Just saw your post. I was under the impression that all comments were sent directly to me . Either i missed youe email response or i did not get it. Your point is very interesting. In fact as i look at the plan of the Thorn i see a lot of differences. The frame 2,9,14F,11F, there is a light line drawing added after the plan was drawn, suggesting that these frames go all the way to the railing. There ar two missing timber head at the back but again light pensil marks??? At the front section the plan has one addition timber head.. What is your openion about the light line drawings.? Also not sure which frame you felt is shifted. Is it 7Aft and 11 aft? Best regards Kevin
  16. Not sure how to post pictures but i have been following the Thorn plan as per Gregs suggestion. The forwar section has one additional timber head while the stern is short two timberheads although you can see some light drawing on the actual print. Maby Greg could comment on this?
  17. Video 20, installation of the forward square frames L-G
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