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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. The only thing you need to consider is that these tool require a transformer to operate.
  2. This may be the time to start a collection of the Micro Lux tools from Micromart. I have most of them and with the exception of the belt sander they are excellent tools. They have a wonderful mini drill that i use almost every day. Best regrads kevin
  3. Hi Rick i am so glad you have found them useful. All I can tell you is that although power tools help make the work easy, hand tools can do every thing a power tool can do. The Bluejacket is a great kit one that you will have great fun with. If I can be of any help feel free to contact me. Best regards Kevin
  4. This is a vide i did some time ago that you might find useful. best regards kevin
  5. I am in the process of gathering imformation about coppering the bottom. This will be my first attempt at coppering so any advice would be appreciated.
  6. Yes i plan to copper the bottom so no one will see the local Mahogany
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