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About GioMun

  • Birthday 03/18/1982

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  • Location
    Salto, Uruguay (an italian living away from home)
  • Interests
    Shipmodeling & Fine Wood Working

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  1. Hello mates! So, finally the ship is ready to set sails! It's been a pleasure for me to build this model. A very nice model to build, specially for the details and the sails. A lot to improve, for the next builds of course, but i think this is the path. I decided to show a painting of the time, that i took from the Chapelle book, The Baltimore Clipper, ther is a chapter that mentions the Virginia pilot boats. Another thing i wanted to show is the H flag, that as you may know is the international flag for "I have a pilot on board", so i took Jack, made him a bit of a deck, planked, and added the flag. So, i hope you liked it. Thank you for all the likes and comments. See you next time!!! Have a good modeling! Greetings.
  2. Hello shipmates! So, after all this time, i almost completed the project. The model itself is ready. Just a little more work on the wooden case and its done. All riging, standing and running, its done, it's been a logn trip, a hard one, because i had to research a lot, thank you @Tim Holt for the help you gave me in this area. And to all the rest of the crew for the comments and likes. So, here are the pictures. I hope you like them. You will find, as usual, lots of mistakes, and things that could be better done. So keeping that in mind, i hope you enjoy them. See you next time!! Greetings. Giorgio
  3. Outstanding Karl, as usual. Wunderbar!! Please keep coming more photos!! Greetings. Giorgio
  4. Congratulations!! Anyway, the most important medal is the satysfaction for your personal achivement. Your model is very beautiful and very well made. Cheers. Giorgio.
  5. Hi Kortes. Your carvings are beautifull and very nice. I like the carvings, and the resault is even better than cnc. And more satisfying than having a computer made product. Your model is very beautifull and a pleasure to watch. Keep the good work. Greetings. Giorgio
  6. Hi mates. Little progress here. I made the sails, and already started their setting. For the sails, i followed the Olha Batchvarov's tutorial for sailmaking. I suppose you know it, but just in case, i give you the link. The result is not the same obviusly, but i made it. So, here it goes: Sails, fore sail, has the inscription, Swift of Norfolk on it: The fisrt sails getting set. Some close up views of the rigging in progress. In the next post i will show the main sail in position, and more rigging details. And jib sail is installed too. Fore sail and flying jib sail are still to go. Little work ahead to the end. But a very lovely ship to build. See you soon. Greetings. Giorgio.
  7. Hi shipmates! A little update. I've been working with mast and spars, and of course, their installation. Jack is checking everything is ok. Here you can see Swift testing her sai..... no, templates. This gives an idea of how is she going to look once complitely rigged. So, as i said, just a little update. Next i'll show details about rigging, blocks, lines, etc. And some sail making too. See you next time. Thank you for your interest, likes, and comments. Good work. Greetings. Giorgio.
  8. Hi @RustyNail123, nice project. I'm building this little ship too, on scratch using the Artesania Latina plans, and also Katy of Norfolk's as a guide. You could visit my build log, maybe you can find it useful. https://modelshipworld.com/topic/29596-swift-pilot-boat-by-giomun-148-from-artesania-latina-plans/ Nice project, and very good start. Greetings. Giorgio
  9. Hello shipmates! And Happy New Year! I hope this 2023 will bring us a lot of fun in our workshops. Thank you @archjofo for your kind words. I'm a fun of your work so its a pleasure to know that you liked my work. And thank you all for all the likes and comments. So, a little update. The hull is ready, ready to receive mast and sails. Made the new base, and of course, Jack got his new unifrom!! I hope you like it. Next will be masting and standing rigging, wich is very simple in this model. See you soon. Greetings. Giorgio.
  10. Hello shipmates!! Just a small update. Y have installed the waterpump and the anchors. They are made of bronze, blackened. One of them shows the cable, the other is just tied to the side of the ship. The water pump is made of wood and bronze too. Also installed the boom support with the first block of her manouver. Next time i'll show the mast wich are under construction now. See you soon. Hope you like it. Cheers. Giorgio
  11. Hello! It's been a long time since last post. But i made same progress. I maneged to find information about the Katy of Norfolk, another schooner that looks very similar to the Swift, i guess both ships come from the same plan, maybe the one that you can find in the Chapelle book i mentioned in another post. Thanks to a fellow modeler from this forum i could find at least a picture of the Katy plans and now i can properly complete the Swift. I completed the deck funriture, some finishing and more details. I hope you like it. Please tell me what do you think. @Tim Holt i can't say anything about the ArtLat kit because i don't have it. Remember i'm building this model just using their set of plans, the rest is all scratchbuilding. Thank you for all comments and likes. As you can see, most of the work on the deck is ready, still missing the water pump and anchors. Then i can start with masting and rigging. I hope you like it. See you soon!! Greetings. Giorgio
  12. Excellent work Johan as always. Your work is from another planet, really. Can i ask you a question? How do you polish your brass pieces? I mean what do you use? I really like that. Congratulations again. Ausgezeichnete Arbeit!! Greetings. Giorgio
  13. Finally a good HANDMADE carving work. And an extraordinary one!!! I personally prefer hand made carvings, rather than having a robot doing that kind of stuff, or even more disgusting, casting them in wax and metal. My respect to you @Alex jM, keep posting please. Specially the figure head, that in the Royal Caroline is very difficult. Greetings. Giorgio. (By the way, i only expressed my opinion on carvings, that's all )
  14. Hello! Finishing my Le Coureur i decided to give a chance of having a scale "sensor". So i gave a shot on some WWII 1:48 plastic kits i had. So i converted Soviet ground personel into XVIII's Century french sailors and officers. Here are some pictures. Maybe with some better painting skills the resaults are better. Greetings. Giorgio.
  15. Hello mates! A little progress. I made the gunwales, and some work in the "cockpit". But first of all i want to mention that i recived some fittings from Syren Ship Model Company, thank you @Chuck for your fittings and rope, they are very fine made, and i hope i'll be able to use them properly. I'll be buying more for sure. And here are some pictures of my model. The gunwales are made from chilean Rauli, an excellent wood from Chile. Here you can find it as mouldings for carpentry. Also y made and installed the tiller. Still missing something on the tip, i have to investigate a little more. I hope you like it. Still some finishing to do. Next will make some belayings and hull fittings. I'm also designing the deck furniture. Alright see you next time. Keep the good modelling! Cheers. Giorgio.
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