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  1. Thinking of you mate. I know the pain having an arthritic condition affecting my lower spine. Just don't push the pain too far even if you 're having trouble resting it just isn't worth it. Rick
  2. I noticed that when first looking for working dhows, I just didn't feel competent to get a deck to look as rough as those I did find where deck and fittings were well photographed. Rick
  3. I wouldn't worry too much about the looks, if you search working Dhows their decks don't even have nice neat planking more often than not and as for neat rope stowage - the idea never existed. Fair bit of work as far as trim on the deck yet! 😉 Rick
  4. You may want to re-check my build regarding decking and the trim that they discuss. The main mast well in particular needs looking at as the tolerances are very fine and getting the mast mounted with all the trim they discuss can be pretty hard. Rick
  5. Hi - I see you've had a look at my build and will have noted a few of the problems I ran across with the build. To make the best of this you do need to dry fit and measure most items as I was never really happy with what was given on the plans. As for the padding out of the bulkheads I seem to remember at least two needed work otherwise the planking had a dip in it!! Have fun and look at as many photos of actual working dhows as you can find, avoiding the tourist ones if you want something with realism. Rick
  6. Still around but now only viewing. 😞 Arthritis in my spine and dominant wrist plus a couple of cataracts to be attended to early next year have stopped me building anything at the moment. Maybe later next year as I'm also seeing surgeons about the wrist, keeping my fingers crossed. Rick
  7. Hmmm I'm not sure if I'm speaking with you or not. Like others here I was traumatised when the build stopped - it was just like finding the last few pages of a brilliant book had been removed!! 😞 Anyway welcome back mate, it's good to see you here again and I'm looking forward to seeing this little build finished. 🙂 Rick
  8. For a master class in building this model check out this build https://modelshipworld.com/topic/15099-lady-nelson-by-vossiewulf-amativictory-models-164/ for some reason he never completed it but what there is, is well worth reading. Rick
  9. I seem to have been blocked from this thread Australia - If the crocs and spiders don't get you, the possums will . . . either that or the whole string has disappeared. Can admin please see what has happened here. Rick
  10. I'd like to say I made them of wood, but with no where enough skill for items that small I did twisted wire around a suitable bit of dowel, then ran a dremel cutting disk up the wire to provide a series of loops. A bit of solder and a paint job finished it. As the ship isn't viewed with a magnifying glass I'm quite happy with the result. Bowsprit guys and anchor were another item that needed a lot of adjustment until I had a clear run for all ropes. Rick
  11. I shifted mine to the rear of the channels - it just didn't make sense otherwise. As it is there is practically no port/starboard movement on the lower spar! As to the rings, if you used PVA glue you could get a bit drastic and soak the lower fitments on the mast, remove, fit rings then replace. I've just done that with the waterways on a model I'm working on as I just wasn't happy with the original fit and knew it was going to bug me if it wasn't fixed. Rick
  12. Something I almost didn't do on my original model - mast rings. Bit of a problem for you if you've already mounted the mast! Have you considered this, the correct number is clearly shown on King's sketch of the ship. Rick
  13. Almost all my ironwork is done using a flat black cartridge paper with PVA glue used to secure it. Pretty well impossible to tell the difference unless you use a magnifying glass on it. Rick
  14. It's probably worth re-visiting King's sketch of the Mermaid as it does give a rough idea of how he saw the basic rigging as well. Rick
  15. I've just looked back at my copy of the instructions. I made a few notes at the time and basically I threw my hands up in despair and then turned to Petersson's book as it was fairly obvious that the rigging plans had been taken from this book. I took it slowly, mounting and rigging each mast/spar fully before going to the next (working up the mast obviously). Good luck! Rick
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