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Everything posted by CharlieZardoz

  1. I'll definitely look into that info, I plan on visiting as many resources with documents and models as possible. BTW I found in my Donald Canney "Sailing Warships" book the plans for the Boston class which is what the rebuild of the John Adams is based on so that half of her history is sorted lol. And if the 1799 plan is in the Coker book that takes care of that version of the ship. Also messaged the staff of tricoastal to discuss their plans to rebuild a replica of Enterprise so I imagine an inferred plan now exits. Anyone care to take on the others? Alliance perhaps?
  2. Frolick do you happen to know where these plans are located? I have the catalogue of the Smithsonian list of plans also checked the Maryland silver website and can't find any plans on John Adams. That's good to know they survive though I'll order the Coker book off amazon and see what it has listed. trippwj that's a nice document, like an allstar cast lol, though all those are also in Chappelle's books. And yes that seems to be the truth about the American plans being to build off of at least in the early days. Still a few models have been built like the Philadelphia for example (I know of two) so someone must have done some research and found enough to conclude what stern details looked like. I'd imagine a model of Randolph exists somewhere and some of the other contract frigates like New York or Boston 1799. I figure in time I will seek out and visit all the major naval museums and check their models since I'm happy to research what others older and wiser than I have managed to come up with
  3. Greetings everyone! I wanted to start a post to discuss certain historical ships where information is sketchy and as far as I can tell no plans or diagrams exist. This is an opportunity to pool together resources if you happen to know of plans or details and resource info for some of the ships mentioned please join in and offer what you've got. Specifically the ships in question I've listed below. Feel free to add more content or correct any inaccuracies to the info as this list is by no means complete just all I could think of off the top of my head. Also not putting down ships which were never completed. -Alliance 1778 35 gun sister to the Confederacy -Warren 1776 32 gun Randolph class -Providence 1776 28 gun -Trumbull 1776 28 gun both were captured by RN so wonder if plans were taken? -Delaware and Boston 24 gun ships taken by RN (there is a plan is Chapelle's book figure 4 dates 1748. I am wondering if this is the correct plan for this Boston) -Lexington 1775 brig (I have seen models and plans of this ship but are they based on actual plans taken by the RN after capture?) -Congress 1799 38 guns while Humphrey's plan for the Constellation/Congress survives and a sail plan from national archives but do plans/details exist for the specific ship as built? -Enterprise 1799 brig this topic has been discussed before -Experiment 1799 brig sister to the Enterprise -John Adams 1799 frigate broken up in 1830 then according to Howard Chapelle rebuilt as a Boston/Vincennes class sloop of war. To my knowledge no plans exist of either incarnation of this ship -Adams 1799 28 gun frigate -General Greene 1799 28 gun frigate -Columbia 1836 Potomac class frigate That's most of them though no doubt there are more, such as shame much of the info of these ships has been lost to history especially since quite a few of them had rather impressive careers like the Alliance or John Adams. I am also noticing that even with ships where plans exist I see no stern or billet details for ships like New York, Boston or Philadelphia in Chapelle's books. I'm wondering if he just didn't include them or are there no records of those details via the official plans in the national archives. Since models have been built of Philadelphia etc. I assume they were. Thanks and happy hunting Charlie
  4. Thanks! Got the CD today I'll look it over in a bit when I'm ready to get back into it this weekend
  5. While on vacation I took a trip to The Book Scout in Greenport LI. Any of you who might be familiar this is one of the few places I know that still has ship books and was the place I got my Chapelle books from as a kid. He still had a nice collection and was happy to see the old place was still around. Here's what I picked up
  6. Another step was to cut the deck diagram out of the copy of the plans and make templates like so. I used the leftover cardboard from the template sheets and glued them using rubber cement making these deck templates thicker so they wouldn't bend. As you can see lined up on the model itself there is still a lot of wood that needs to be removed from the front stern and sides.
  7. A quick note on template #9 I can to realize that when I altered the template to match the plan the template may have actually been correct. Since I'm not 100% sure either way, using the template cuttings I redid this template to have as an alternate like so and will figure out which works best as the fairing begins. Another reason why you should never throw anything away when modeling
  8. Next up was to create some sanding sticks for fairing the hull. Using Dan's method I went to a hardware store to get the appropriate wood piece then wrap some sandpaper around like so. This gives you a straight edge and curved with which to sand the hull.
  9. Greetings everyone! Just a few quick updates to show what I've been up to. Was on vacation last week so progress has been a bit slow. First order of business has been to construct a base to put Sultana on which includes measurements etc. This is where utilizing the plans comes in handy as you can see.
  10. Next step is to carve the hull. Am I up to the task? Stay tuned folks....
  11. Here are the side templates. I'm not sure if I am lining them up correctly since the center lines and rabbet lines do not match the plan so I redrew the lines accordingly. Template 4 was modified with tape a bit to get the right shape. If anyone who has worked on Sultana before sees me doing something wrong please let me know
  12. Well for now I've modified the original templates (since working with styrene got a bit fustrating), however I plan on giving them so added support so they don't bend. Here's the bottom templates with my modifications. I think they look a lot better now
  13. So by rabbet you mean it should be cut to the top line to allow for planking? The templates look like they were cut to fit the bottom line so should I modify them to fit the top line?
  14. You can see the offset between the lines and numbers with these pics which I am going to modify by pen and cut to the shape of the plans. Am I holding them to the plans correctly? I am wondering if they need to be exact with the outer or inner lines of the -uh "rabbet"? Also I attempted a few times to photocopy the plans and for some reason they either came out slightly too small or too big and I know they need to be perfect to avoid mistakes. If I cut up the original plans is having a copy slightly off size to work from going to cause me problems in the long run? Or maybe should I just contact ME and order a second set?
  15. I cut out the little paper frames as so and as confirmed by Chuck in the practicum they don't match the actual plans. Based on this I'm wondering if what I need to do is cut the plans up and make templates from the decks etc to better shape hull as well as the paper frames.
  16. Below is the carving process to remove the bulwarks. I mainly did this using basic woodcarving tools (though tried the dremel a bit but didn't really need it). The hull still needs a little work by the fore and quarter deck areas. Should I use a small saw to make them even?
  17. Greetings everyone! After a brief hiatus I am back and ready to show what I have done so far on Model Shipways 1:64 scale Sultana. It isn't much yet but I've been in between a lot of things especially work in Real Estate which is super busy these days. I've already encountered a few issues with the build and any assistance on these matters (which were discussed in the practicum) would be greatly appreciated. First below you see the untouched solid hull before carving and my tiny cramped work space Charlie
  18. Cool Ill pick it up then, relatively cheap just wasn't sure if it was something I could just fashion myself easily. Amati seems to have some nice tool like the keel holder
  19. Hi all! As I'm picking up various tools and supplies I keep running into the water line marker and was wondering if it really serves a purpose or is it one of those loom-A-line type tools that really don't work or are necessary. Thanks! Charlie
  20. Hull is pre-formed so should be simple enough, could get it done for valentines
  21. Model Shipways has the Bluenose, Mantua has the Britannia Royal yacht, Amati has Endeavor, Corel has the Corsaro 2 all at around 32" Your best bet is to go on www.agesofsail.com type in yacht and show the misses the list as that is pretty much the options for yachts as far as I know of. Also there are Bark's like Gorch Fock and Eagle out there which are kinda modernish?
  22. I'm sure they are as they just added a link for trumpeter models which is currently empty. Should be interesting to see how their new site progresses.
  23. The larger Bounty kit's I believe are from Artesania Latina and Constructo though I wouldn't recommend those companies if you want "clear" instructions. Constitution would be the simpliest of the kits you mentioned since both Confederacy and Vanguard will have lots of carving/detailing type work(some photo etched). There is the clipper Jefferson Davis by Blue Jacket at 35.5" clipper Harvey (again by Artesania Latina but simple in comparison) at 36" or a bigger kit would be the HMS Warrior by Billing Boats that's 57.5" also you have non-warships like Flying Fish 36" or Cuttysark by either sergal or mantura at 45" which might also fit the under one year time frame you are looking for. Keep to kits with one or two decks tops and marginal stern detailing in my humble opinion.
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