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Everything posted by highlanderburial

  1. This is without a doubt one of my favorite historical cutters. I recently saw the new kit marketed and have far too many kits ahead if her. I am jealous but will live vicariously through your logs!
  2. Members of our club volunteer there every weekend. The museum gives us the space to keep tools etc. Modeling in public is pretty awesome.
  3. Got some work done today while manning the ship model shack at the Philadelphia Seaport Museum. I got the main ladderway, vents, and Naiad RHI boat started.
  4. A couple shots. I will be redoing the name decal as well as the numbers. The ink bled a bit so I will be adding an additional coating on the carrier sheet. I also believe the gun radome is reversed so I will need to fix it. Additionally the stabilizers had the paint peel off.
  5. The cutter left today for Florida. She will head down there before going across to Bahrain for her final homeport. She will likely never come back to the USA. The model will reside in Philadelphia at the USCG base once finished.
  6. I made a huge amount of progress but alas was not able to fully complete the cutter by the commissioning date. The officers still wanted it there albeit unfinished. From a distance it looked good but overall I was pretty annoyed with my project timing. I also included some pics from the ceremony. 20211015_104136.mp4
  7. I would like to add a bunch more detail when I am able. I have applied flat black window glass but will leave the roof removable so I can add a more detailed pilot house later. Additionally there are a bunch of decals I would like to add to the deck as well. I understand that dumas had to run the line between details and reasonable durability for R/C purposes but I would like to add more.
  8. More paint work tonight and added the mast signal and nav lights. Boot top paint finally done well enough notate make me cringe.
  9. I got to visit the 1/1 scale model of the cutter today. I was in a hurry and will grab more pics when I can. I got the CO and XO to pose in one of them. The poster is for the commissioning day. It includes 2 of Tunnel's NFL trading cards.
  10. Paint touch ups and I am finished for the night. I put a gloss cote on the mast. The deck was darkened and I am debating on using panels of sand paper to simulate non skid paint. I have some panels laid out in the pics. This is the first ship of a scale it feel comfortable trying this technique on.
  11. Buff paint on a ship or boat is one of my favorite colors. Depending on lighting or weathering of a vessel it can look very different to the beholder. I use Apple Barrel acrylic paint colored Autumn Gold to simulate this. I then put in some acrylic gloss sealer in a couple coats to make it shiny. The mast has not been coated so far.
  12. The mast so far has been a kit in itself and I am still not done yet! I think it would have been easier if the kit had stuck with all plastic instead of wood and plastic.
  13. Mast work begins. I think the kit shorted me a dowel but I had extra. The kit gives you a jig to make to hold up the radars and connecting beams. The main part of the "A" frame is some 3/16 plastruct tubing but you have to push through some very malleable aluminum wire. This keeps the plastic from deforming and lets it hold its shape.
  14. I started today cutting pilot holes for the pilot house and began the complex edging of the vessel's bridge top.
  15. I have moved into doing more of the pilothouse. Pics to follow. Attached is the roof top template for the antennae. Tunnell Pilothouse Antennae Holes.pdf
  16. DB This particular model will be static. I do have another that I will likely make R/C. I think it would have a pretty tipsy profile at high speed turns like a destroyer. Your build looked awesome by the way I went to your link. Thx for your comments.
  17. Hatches and hand rails added to the main deck. Pilot house interior details scratch built and added.
  18. I started working on hatches and scuttles. As a note to all those attempting this build should note that there are 3 different sizes of doors. I spent 40 minutes figuring out which ones were which when I could have simply held them up to the parts sheet. See photo. You will need to use a 3/16 drill bit to cut port holes in the water tight doors. You also need to do this with 2 different doors each with hinges both left and right.
  19. A lot more filling and sanding and priming. I pulled out the bag of deck hardware "goodies" that were metal fittings and primed ahead if their use
  20. First layer of bottom paint applied. More putty added and deck attached. The bridge wing bulwarks and stringers were added. Construction started on the pilot house. The kit has solid bulkheads which the real ship does not. I opened up the frames so I could add details to the interior.
  21. Still moving forward. I did a lot of design work in the computer to get the props and rudder correct. So far here as the first round of attempts on counter 5 bladed prints.
  22. Today I puttied up some more low spots. The real ship has a bow thruster but the model makes no call out for this. I measured back about 4.25 inches from the hawser hole in deck and drew a circle around the boat to find the placement. I never like cutting a hole in a perfectly good hull. I used a small starter drill bit as a starter. I then moved up to 3/8ths then 5/8ths. The plastruct tube in inserted was larger than that one the outside diameter. MAKE SURE you glue one side prior to cutting the tube flush or it will pop out.
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