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    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    As I have a guide now with eye and nasal holes in place,I proceeded to add contour to the skull using a scalpel blade and shaving extremely small chips away,slowly slowly is very much the name of the game.I also added a little shape to the eye sockets and nasal cavity using the tip of a new blade in the scalpel and a pointed dental probe.The spine detail has been added at the bottom with the scalpel.
    Kind Regards Nigel

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    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    As I seem to have encouraged a few members to have a go at carving,I am posting a few updates to try and illustrate the processes involved.I appreciate these may differ from what procedures some other members may follow,but this way works for me,as I mentioned earlier I have a couple of conditions that effect the dexterity and sensitivity in my hands.
    Picture one shows the initial shape roughed out in plan using a combination of a scalpel and a 1mm round burr in the dremel.
    In picture two I have started to  remove material to start to get the correct levels.The carving blank is overthick so I can slowly workdown to the correct thicknesses.The fine detail is left overwidth until I get close to the finished shape.This is then thinned out towards the end of the process.This helps to prevent unwanted breakout.
    Kind Regards Nigel

  3. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I have fitted the carving.I have used aluminium tube 8mm long to replicate the lead lining that was used in the hawse holes.The bores have been countersunk to remove the corner.On to the other side now
    Kind Regards Nigel

  4. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Just a pic of the completed carving.I have given it one coat of varnish for protection.It looks much darker than in real life due to lighting.
    Kind Regards Nigel

  5. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from archjofo in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I have fitted the bulkhead in place and faired the sides to match the hull.Now on to the prow.The kit prow,to be honest bears little resemblance to that of the artwork.The sides are far to deep and the grated deck is depicted as flat.To be honest this 3D nightmare has caused me a bit of headscratching,as to the best way to proceed.To remain faithful to the Van De Velde atwork the deck sits much higher at the beakhead and does not coincide with the mouldings on the outside.I figured the best way to start my jig was to glue in the supplied bulkheads for the stem.I only glued the top half of the slot allowing the ears to be sawn off later.I then profiled the top of the bulkheads and false keel to provide an acceptable curve.On top of this I glued(to the bulkhead ears only)a piece of 3mm ply which was cut out to match the supplied deck frame.The top of this ply is the bottom face of the deck.Today's work was concluded by clamping some steamed boxwood section in place and leaving overnight to dry.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  6. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Kurt Johnson in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I have to admit my patience has been stretched several times working on the prow deck.I have had numerous pieces filed in the 'recycling section' and have had to remake them.I feel I am on the home straight now,but I can't believe how long it is taking.I include some pics of as it is today.The gratings are caldercraft 1mm ones as small children could fall through the ones supplied.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  7. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    A small update.Having a eureka moment in bed the other night made me realise I have a small amendment to make to my new bulkhead.Van de Velde depicts the first three decks protected by a grated overdeck.I had been trying to work out the deck levels form his artwork.It came to me that deck one and three(its easier to refer to them like this)must sit slightly below the top of the hull.I therefore trimmed back the top former and lined the inside at the top with 0.8mm ply.This will later be planked with boxwood.I then cut the door and lined the top and sides,the bottom I plan to incorporate into the ladder leading up.I drilled the six gunports as indicated by the V de V artwork.these were lined with brass tube for a clean finish and will be painted black(I know I said no paint but can't avoid it this time).I treenailed top and bottom edges with 0.3mm copper but have left the rest till I sort out the prow deck height.
    Working back on the hull I have fitted the uprights to the forecastle.In the photo you will see a spacer I made,one end is marked with a cross.By alternating which way up the spacer went as glued the uprights on,I prevented any vertical creep due to spacer inaccuracy.I then lined the insides again with 0.8mm ply.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  8. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from archjofo in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I have nearly finished all the treenailing on the starboard side.I decided to use 0.5mm copper for the mainwales.Now as a break I decided to start work on the beakhead bulkhead.In the deagostini partwork,this is almost identical to Sergals offering.As I am modifying this model to represent the Vandevelde artworks, I decided this was best scratchbuilt.I came up with a design that incorparates the uprights for the railings for strength,as the majority of the rigging is tied off to these railings.I made three limewood formers and notched these to take the boxwood uprights.This was then glued together on a sheet of glass to ensure flatness.The front face was skinned in two laminations of 0.8mm ply and then planked with black boxwood strips I have obtained from a marqeuetry supplier.After gluing braces into the forecastle area,I removed the majority of the original bulkhead.The planking at the forecastle was slimmed down to 1mm thick from the inside.To the inside of this I laminated some more 0.8mm ply.This strengthens this area and forms a base for the uprights at the sides of the forecastle.I then mortised the remains of the old bulkhead and epoxied in the corner uprights.At the moment all the uprights are left way overlength and the new bulkhead's sides will be trimmed flush to the hull when this is bonded in place.I am going to detail this bulkhead before I actually bond it in place.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  9. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from archjofo in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I have had a lovely long holiday weekend treenailing I have completed both sides under the wales and intend to give this area a few coats of polyurethane for protection.I have also inlaid some small pieces of maple to represent the bowtie piece that joins keel to sternpost.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  10. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from archjofo in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    Hi Anja
    Well I do cheat a bit in that the instructions on the Italian site are six months infront of those here in GB.It gives me a preview of whats to come and how little of the original partwork I will be using.To be honest I am changing so much that the instructions become almost redundant.
    I include a few pics of progress to date.I am concentrating on one side at a time to relieve the tedium of constantly treenailing.You will notice the alterations to the upper gunports.These have been altered to accomodate the decorations.The kits supplied directions  are incorrect.I have acquired some black pre dyed boxwood strips to plank the upper hull where the ornamentation sits.This will cover all the alterations I have to make in this area, to create a more accurate representation of the original.
    Kind Regards Nigel
  11. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from Dimitris71 in Sovereign Of The Seas by NMBROOK - Scale 1/84 - based on the works of Van De Velde the elder   
    I have edited this first post in view of my log relocation.This build did start as a modified version of the Deagostini partwork,but as you read through the log,you will discover virtually nothing remains from the kit.
      To date I have built and planked the hull.So far the only kit parts I have used are the bulkheads.These had to be reprofiled at the stern to give a 'proper' round tuck stern.The planking below the walnut wales is maple and that above is boxwood.The walnut section at the top is to be painted black(I used walnut as it is a third of the cost of boxwood).I have cut the gunports as per the instructions but I am going to 'double line'the gunports on the upper deck to reduce them in size.
     At present before I final size the gunports and add anymore detail,I am replicating the treenailing on the whole hull.After reading about the many different techniques I chose to drill 0.4mm holes then use dark wood filler.The hull was glass smooth and fully sealed before starting,and I found the process fairly simple akin to grouting tiles,although I estimate at between three and four thousand holes to be drilled!I made a simple jig to assist in marking where the frames would be.
    Regards Nigel

  12. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from mtaylor in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Just a small update.I have finally succeeded with creating the grating fastenings.I have managed to set the mill to be able to drill TWO 0.18mm holes in the one mm square available in the grating joints.The consistency is a testimony to the accuracy of Proxxons MF70.Unfortunately due to the sizes involved it is a slow process.Any more than two rows of holes,my eyes go into meltdown,even with the optivisors.As a little relief,I am installing the copper 'treenails' in the gun deck.I haven't taken any pics,I will do so when the process is complete.Trying to photograph the gratings at least,without copper fastenings is a waste of time with my limited camera,the holes are barely visible to the naked eye.So if no more pics for a month or two,I am still working away,just driving myself insane drilling and filling with copper wire, several thousand holes      
    Kind Regards
  13. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from tarbrush in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Just a small update.I have finally succeeded with creating the grating fastenings.I have managed to set the mill to be able to drill TWO 0.18mm holes in the one mm square available in the grating joints.The consistency is a testimony to the accuracy of Proxxons MF70.Unfortunately due to the sizes involved it is a slow process.Any more than two rows of holes,my eyes go into meltdown,even with the optivisors.As a little relief,I am installing the copper 'treenails' in the gun deck.I haven't taken any pics,I will do so when the process is complete.Trying to photograph the gratings at least,without copper fastenings is a waste of time with my limited camera,the holes are barely visible to the naked eye.So if no more pics for a month or two,I am still working away,just driving myself insane drilling and filling with copper wire, several thousand holes      
    Kind Regards
  14. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from NAZGÛL in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Just a small update.I have finally succeeded with creating the grating fastenings.I have managed to set the mill to be able to drill TWO 0.18mm holes in the one mm square available in the grating joints.The consistency is a testimony to the accuracy of Proxxons MF70.Unfortunately due to the sizes involved it is a slow process.Any more than two rows of holes,my eyes go into meltdown,even with the optivisors.As a little relief,I am installing the copper 'treenails' in the gun deck.I haven't taken any pics,I will do so when the process is complete.Trying to photograph the gratings at least,without copper fastenings is a waste of time with my limited camera,the holes are barely visible to the naked eye.So if no more pics for a month or two,I am still working away,just driving myself insane drilling and filling with copper wire, several thousand holes      
    Kind Regards
  15. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in MORDAUNT 1681 by NMBROOK - Euromodel - 1:60 - Beyond Bashed   
    Just a small update.I have finally succeeded with creating the grating fastenings.I have managed to set the mill to be able to drill TWO 0.18mm holes in the one mm square available in the grating joints.The consistency is a testimony to the accuracy of Proxxons MF70.Unfortunately due to the sizes involved it is a slow process.Any more than two rows of holes,my eyes go into meltdown,even with the optivisors.As a little relief,I am installing the copper 'treenails' in the gun deck.I haven't taken any pics,I will do so when the process is complete.Trying to photograph the gratings at least,without copper fastenings is a waste of time with my limited camera,the holes are barely visible to the naked eye.So if no more pics for a month or two,I am still working away,just driving myself insane drilling and filling with copper wire, several thousand holes      
    Kind Regards
  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marsalv in Royal Caroline by marsalv - FINISHED - Panart   
    I have finished the shrouds instalation. The used dead eyes are not ideal - groove for the rope is too big and the rope is hidden in the groove. I will try to make my own dead eyes for my next project (Pandora).

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to marsalv in Royal Caroline by marsalv - FINISHED - Panart   
    Burton pendants.

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to AntiSpiral in La Belle Poule 1765 by AntiSpiral - 1/48 - An Adventure in POB   
    Just to get something new on this page i thought i'd show some things while still waiting for more timber.

    First are Micro SMD Leds, im hoping i can figure some led lanterns on this ship. Smallest leds i've ever seen, 1mm x 0.50mm with 0.1 copper wire. Probably going to buy more as there'll be around 37 in total.

    Next is simply some pear i've got from ebay of all places sent from russia, im still an amateur so seeing brilliant high quality pear has a nice feeling to it, glad i've chosen this to work with.

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to sparrow in Royal Caroline by sparrow - Mantua/Panart - Royal yacht 1749, scale 1:47   
    another bit of progress...
    I hope the pictures are self explanatory.
    Best regards,

  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Stockholm tar in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Thanks for the photo – nice work. 
    Btw, I take it that's the big bumper autumn edition of, ehem, P,P and C? Looks like some interesting in depth articles there.
  21. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Great work mate and a clamp 'fix' thrown in for good measure
    Kind Regards
  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Folks.. Photo Update this time !!
    Well the 'Channel' Deadeyes (Lower Deadeyes ??) and Chains are all in place now, they are nuttin' special to write home about but are merely OK.. put it this way if I thought I could do much better I would rip them out and begin again       Hmmmm possibly I'm being a little too hard on them as they look grand.. ('Grand' is another Irishism by the way.. not as good as 'Deadly' but way better than 'Brutal'.. though a synonym of 'Brutal' is 'Savage' which is better that 'Deadly'.. go figure!   .. OK you are all caught up now on Irishisms..   ) Anyhoo they are Grand !!
    I'm afraid I lost the light to take a better photo, but sure it's Grand isn't it.. !!   you can just make out the Deadeyes and some of the Chains.. the Deadeye strops were chemically blackened as I didn't paint them prior to installing the Deadeyes  and would have made a mess trying to apply paint afterwards !
    That's All For Now, Thanks for Stopping By..

  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    More Photos.. and a little extra     
    PS the paint work has to be tidied up around the Gun Ports a little, and the outside of the Channels isn't in place yet so don't be too hard on me 

  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Karl and Nigel, thank you!
  25. Like
    NMBROOK got a reaction from tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Excellent work Paul !!
    Kind Regards
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