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    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many centuries watertransport was the fastest and most comfortable way of traveling on the coasts and along the big rivers in Europe. By towing with horses along the rivers and canals. By sail across the open waters.
    The statenjacht was the Rolls Royce of this passenger ships. Used to move fx company executives or other VIPs from place to place to execute their jobs.
    It was the time of the Barroque. So this ships were fitted out with most comfortable state cabins, bedrooms, kitchens, and last but not least magnificently decorated.
    At first I had in mind to build the HMY Mary from 1670. Only her decorations and paintings were very complicated.
    The Utrecht, however, seems to me a bit simpler decorated. Moreover, in the books of Seawatch books are very good plans of this ship.
    I build the Utrecht in scale 1:36. As POF model. However, I'm doing the frames of10mm plywood. Since the frames are not seen through the planking, solid wood is too good for this job in my eyes.
    Some shots from yesterday.




    Regards Hartmut
  2. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Omega1234 in Yacht Mary by bdgiantman2 - Building first POF   
    Hello bdgiantman2
    A good beginnig!
    I am most interested in your build, for my next project will be the Statenjacht Utrecht.
    Reagards Hartmut
  3. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Jeronimo in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello Amateur!
    To model the Cupboard will be a little bit fiddly. But the the delftware????? But wait and see!
    A little update for today: the benches and the table:

    And now bench one and the table in position.


    Bench two stowed and safeted on bench one.

    Regards Hartmut
  4. Like
    Angarfather reacted to marinero in Art of period shipbuilding   
    Hello Tadeusz I want to thank you for all the hard and great work you put into this post. I have learned a lot from it. Please keep going
  5. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks to all!
    Next job was modelling the cabin doors.
    To make the door handles was no big problem. I did solder a 1mm brasswire into a 2mm brasstube.

    One of the cabin doors



    Cheers Hartmut
  6. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Modelling Gianna or Aga I had used 0,50 / 1mm planks.  At the Utrecht I use pearwood 12mmx2mm.To work with this kind of planks  was a new experience. They are very hard and difficult to form. 
    Now the outsite planking is finished. Here are some pictures from yesterday.





    Cheers Hartmut
  7. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Modelling the wales.
    To determine the location of the main wale I did use a copy of the sheer profile plan. 

    The location of the main wale

    This copy was the base for modelling the wales. 

    I wasn't able to bend the bow parts of the wales, about it I have made it by sawing. I bend the long parts of the wales and later on the planks after immersing it in water. For the heat I use a soldering iron with a surface designed for bemding modelplanks

    The distanz between the main and lower wale is one plank. 






    Cheers Hartmut
  8. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks to all!
    Next job was modelling the cabin doors.
    To make the door handles was no big problem. I did solder a 1mm brasswire into a 2mm brasstube.

    One of the cabin doors



    Cheers Hartmut
  9. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from mikegerber in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks to all!
    Next job was modelling the cabin doors.
    To make the door handles was no big problem. I did solder a 1mm brasswire into a 2mm brasstube.

    One of the cabin doors



    Cheers Hartmut
  10. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from janos in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks to all!
    Next job was modelling the cabin doors.
    To make the door handles was no big problem. I did solder a 1mm brasswire into a 2mm brasstube.

    One of the cabin doors



    Cheers Hartmut
  11. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from hexnut in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks to all!
    Next job was modelling the cabin doors.
    To make the door handles was no big problem. I did solder a 1mm brasswire into a 2mm brasstube.

    One of the cabin doors



    Cheers Hartmut
  12. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  13. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks to Omega1234,Cees, Nils and all the "Likes"
    The crew mess is done, and so I can install the deck beams above. A particularly interesting point for I had to make the frame of the the skylight.
    After some thought, I'll plank the deck only on the starboard side. So the interior is still to be seen. Therefore I have the knees of the deck beams on the portside installed from here.          The frames of the wals of the Great Cabin     Cheers Hartmut
  14. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Mirabell61 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello Amateur!
    To model the Cupboard will be a little bit fiddly. But the the delftware????? But wait and see!
    A little update for today: the benches and the table:

    And now bench one and the table in position.


    Bench two stowed and safeted on bench one.

    Regards Hartmut
  15. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from mikegerber in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  16. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from hexnut in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  17. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from ianmajor in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  18. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks to Omega1234,Cees, Nils and all the "Likes"
    The crew mess is done, and so I can install the deck beams above. A particularly interesting point for I had to make the frame of the the skylight.
    After some thought, I'll plank the deck only on the starboard side. So the interior is still to be seen. Therefore I have the knees of the deck beams on the portside installed from here.          The frames of the wals of the Great Cabin     Cheers Hartmut
  19. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from druxey in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  20. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Laurence_B in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  21. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Jeronimo in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks to Omega1234,Cees, Nils and all the "Likes"
    The crew mess is done, and so I can install the deck beams above. A particularly interesting point for I had to make the frame of the the skylight.
    After some thought, I'll plank the deck only on the starboard side. So the interior is still to be seen. Therefore I have the knees of the deck beams on the portside installed from here.          The frames of the wals of the Great Cabin     Cheers Hartmut
  22. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from dvm27 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks  guys!!!
    The next deck beam with the frameing of the staircase. ( on a trial basis)  And the wallpaper of the fireplace wall in the Great Cabin


    Regards Hartmut
  23. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from druxey in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello Amateur!
    To model the Cupboard will be a little bit fiddly. But the the delftware????? But wait and see!
    A little update for today: the benches and the table:

    And now bench one and the table in position.


    Bench two stowed and safeted on bench one.

    Regards Hartmut
  24. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    many thanks to Patrick and all he "likes"
    In the morning the tailor (my Admiral) had delivered the bedning.

    The crews locker

    This is the way to the galley.

    At noon the mess table was ready.


    Cheerio Hartmut
  25. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks guys!
    Making the interrior.
    First I made the crew's mess to exercise. The walls were built in the carpenter manner.
    At first the base and the stems, which are then filled with plywood.
            Messdoor       To find out the right color scheme is not so easy. In the Baroque intensive colors were typical . According to historical sources, and also the pictures from the construction of the replica I use carmine red, cadmium red, light yellow ocher, dark green and prussian blue. This colours were combined with gold at the Statenyacht.   After several attempts I did now use tempera by Schminke and Lucas. Carmine red for the stems, cadmium red for the walls and yellow ocher for the floor in this area                 Cheers Hartmut
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