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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Good morning? she's at the end of her working day at the moment OK, and now looking for three masted floating things. Jan
  2. How on earth did you find that one? just google ship, and looking at all two masted things?? Jan
  3. By its looks a fairly standard two-masted schooner.... Not much of a clue in the background either Jan
  4. boats, ships, floating or submerging things, sorry guys, I didn't want to offend anyone by my choice of words Jan
  5. Oh, now I see, It's the base for the upperstructure... That changes my question: why didn't you use this 'upward extension' over the full length of the ship? Jan
  6. Hi Piet, I'm a bit strugling: most frames suggest a normal 'tube-like' hull, but the aft frames have an upward extension: what is that for? I can see them on the frames-layout, but I can't relate them to the pictures of the sub itself.... Jan
  7. I used to be an addict to this game since 2009 Jan
  8. Next guess: HMS Bacchante (1876) iron screw corvette black hull straight bow white upper line along the deck three masted, fully rigged Jan
  9. Grrrr. now I have to go through all the HMS screw sloops or perhaps also the corvettes. I'm sure it is one of those late 1880/90's three masted, fully rigged and an (from this perspective invisible) funnel. Jan
  10. Without checking: HMS Dolphin? Jan
  11. I think the how-to is in the first pic. Looks so simple, but...... Jan
  12. Yes, for gold, yellow may be a better choice as a base. Jan
  13. Seen any useless tools around lately? or perhaps: seen from the positive: any very usefull tools?? Jan
  14. Warping seems to be you major problem in this stage..... She's going to be a large ship. unless, you're much smaller than I think ( ), your model is quite a bit larger than I expected. I exepected it to be around a meter length or so.... I once saw a buildlog of someone filling in all the spaces between the bulkheads with some kind of isolationfoam, to make an even surface, and make the forming and planking of the hull easier, without increasing much to the weight of the sub. Jan
  15. Nice! Or: dat ziet er mooi uit! Sometimes I think it's a pity that Billings has these ships not in their original 'working boat' outfit, but in their converted yachtlike outfit. It implies that the only detailing you could do to the kit is laced curtains (yes, definitely missing those ), while they used to be ships used for quite a lot of small business: fishing, but also transport of (small) life stock. Jan
  16. That's the one. Most Dutch sources name this ship as the Hydra. (but the ships are all very much alike) Build as river-monitors, in service long after there armament was adequate . Jan
  17. Corel should be ashamed of their own kits.... Both the lion and the 'curved ladies' are alos part of the Prins Willem- kit..... Why did you go for a yellow base colour for the lion? I would have thought taking red as the base colour..... Jan
  18. Greg, Remco will probably take this as a challenge.... Jan
  19. you have the type of ship correct, but there it stops.... Jan
  20. Here's the next ship. As sources are a bit contradictory, I'll take any name of the class as correct answer. Jan
  21. Great lakes stemer Seeandbee Jan
  22. In the line of tools that are not so useful: I discovered that the amati-rigging tools can be replaced by a few tweaked needles, and are therefore not technically 'a waste' but you could achieve the same result for less money. Jan
  23. Even better: become a grown-up and never use inches again Jan
  24. She is better and better every day! I like your chainplates and ringbolts! Jan
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