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Everything posted by amateur

  1. And to answer your first question: I guess it is rare (as it is old), but both navy and monarchy are not very popular topics for collectors. So yes, some people will be very happy to have this one, but the market is small. Copies of these and comparable cards fetch a couple of euro’ on ebay. Jan
  2. And it could also very well be the case that ocre put a famous name and history on a ‘generic model’. Especially with the old and famous names, every one wants to build a model of it, but hardly anything is known on the ship. The same aplies to eg the Friesland by Mamoli: they took a model, and fabricated a history. There is no overlap between the historic Friesland and the kit. Santa Maria and Mayflower: not models of the original, but of famous reconstructions fromthe sixties. So: i think you should take all claims on these models of older ships with a grain of salt. It is at best a model of how we think it coul have been jan
  3. I am not so sure that there are too many ropes on the Danmark. It looks like the old Billings-kit, with sails added to it. Rigging and blocks are out of scale, but I think it follows the instructions (Billings used to have downloadable plans on their site, no idea whether they still do do). the other thing is just plain weird if you ask me :). Never seen such a thing before. Jan
  4. Hi Hans, Not only according to Blom, also Van IJk mentions elm as the better material. Compared to the drawing in Van IJk and compared to the ‘Hollaendische Zweidecker’ as photographed by Winter, your wheels are indeed ‘oversized’ The model is deceptively ‘real’, its your furniture that gives it away Jan
  5. Mindblowing! Will you return to the Cyclone-destroyer now this one is finished, or do you have other treats wating for us? Jan
  6. Dutch railways did not standardize. (They still don’t) They bought/buy large series of different designs. Jan
  7. Nice work! Andy thought the part is a dynamo, I'm sure the part is the dynamo. The part in front of the smoke stack is the preheater, couple of steam domes on top, and a sand dome, feeding the sand-lines to help the breaking. Fun of these German locs is the fact that they used standard-parts (einheits lokomotiven). hen you check the card-builders, you will run into guys that use a model of a given series, adding (or substracting) a couple of wheels in order to build a model of a loc of an other series. (quite o lot of card-loco's around, at all building levels) Jan
  8. It is a pity that drawing has no ‘topview’, I would be interested in the width of those stairs, and their position towards the centerline… Iguess that 80 centimeters is enough for tiller handling. Jan
  9. post #45 by Waldemar shows an other solutionto prevent impratical doors: the stairs outside the cabins. (Combined wirh inwatd swinging doors, I presume) Jan
  10. Mixing up two build logs most pics of the black and white (sure it isn’t some light shade of pinkish-white ?) show signs of heavy neglect. Do you have any idea on where ‘patching up’ starts and ‘the original design’ ends? And what are you going to show: the rotting outer hull with planking over, or how it could have been, given proper maintainance? Jan
  11. I guess it has something to do with mass-production, tolerances and profitmargins. Based on pics, the 3D printed versions seem far more consistent than the average wooden deadeyes. https://syrenshipmodelcompany.com/deadeyes-and-specialty-blocks.php#!/3-mm-Deadeyes-3D-Printed-Color-SWISS-PEAR-25-per-package/p/696011837/category=9242145 Jan
  12. Hi Chris, It’s a pity, as the plane itself is a nice one. Is the problem in the design of the kit itself, or in a sloppy execution of the lasercut parts? (Meaning: should we avoid these kits, or should we try to build them without the laser-parts?) Jan
  13. Somehow I missed this log. Shame on me. Going to be fun to follow this one. Jan
  14. Isn't that a very distracting view ? Man, I would love to have something like that in front of of my window..... (or anywhere near home.....) Good luck in your new home (and shop)! Jan
  15. With respect to the models: some of them are in the ‘completed models gallery’ of MSW. Buildlogs can be found on ‘papermodellers.com and here on MSW (search for Hooker, Icouldn’t get a working link…) Jan
  16. Yup, far easier. I found this on a site of RC-builders. (Rcgroups.com) A very large scale (1/3) model of a DVI. It is labelled as fuel gauge. But still, no clue how this can be created usingthose two parts …. Jan
  17. Yeah, but scoops have their open end ‘face forward’. This one faces backwards. I like these basic planes with their funky camo. Jan
  18. But there are pics showing this part (only head on….) comes from a russian site: https://flyingmachines.ru/Site2/Crafts/Craft25494.htm Jan
  19. Your memory isn’t faulty: both Amsterdam and Batavia show the guns fully rigged and ‘ready for action’. Nicer for the tourists Jan
  20. Friesland is a nice model. Don’t believe the hostorical info given by Mamoli. It is correct as far as dates and places of the battles are concerned. Not with respect to the ship. The model is based on drawings and photographs published in a (at least on this side of the pool) famous german book ‘Hollandische Zweidecker’ by Heinrich Winter. The book shows a contemporaneous model of a (presumably fictitious) Dutch ship that ended its long life in bombing of Berlin in 1944/45. The book is still available second hand, and many of the pictures can be found online. Nice when you want to do some detailing. Jan
  21. Coming along nicely! With respect to wale/transompiece: the connection is not a ‘structural’ one. It should, however, be without gaps, to keep the water out. Deck camber is OK, often the camber of the cabin (top deck) is slightly more than of the main deck. One remark on the deck: The aft deck is lying too low, there is no railing or any planking higher than the deck (see also the statenjacht or the models referred to earlier in this thread) And another point: it looks as if your ship is lying a bit too low in the water. With respect to ‘what next’: I don’t know whether it does anything to your workflow, but the cabins and the decklayout would be nice. Adding leeboards however do the most to the general views Jan
  22. Are you sure it is Corel? I was only aware of the Mamoli-kit mm61, that is called ‘Catalina’, but isclearly modelled to the ‘Groene Draeck’, the private yacht of theDutch royal family. Btw: yourboeier turned out realy well, it is a difficult model to build. Jan
  23. I was wondering whether a ‘boeier’-like planking would be possible, but I guess not, as the bottom is almost completely flat up to the stern. Boeier-jachts are planked using relatively narrow planks, that areheavily spiled and edge-bended. Statenjacht Utrecht is planked in the way Waldemar showed, albeit slightly different, as the planks from the side are slightly spiled, and edge-bended. Jan
  24. Looking good so far. That profiled piece of timber at the stern is one heavy piece. It is one of the structural timbers of the lower stern. It is notched into the stern. Although drawn as a completely flat stern, in many drawings (also the older detailed one some posts before) the tmber is also slightly curved when seen from above, implying a slightly curved stern. Jan
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