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Everything posted by piter56

  1. This Russian company, in accordance with the rules, I can give a link to the site? Link removed
  2. Status today Next report will be it online Sorry for the language, I write with Google translator Greetings from Ukraine Good luck Peter
  3. ... Break in work - construction Bluenose II Best regards Peter
  4. The case before the barhouta sheathed, further resurfacing Tipping barhouta Next deck Established waterway, there are cut holes for diapers. He began to stack the deck
  5. ... Wood harvested Apple board of 2x6, 2x6 maple deck. Everything is ready for plating, the truth remains to be counting after laying of the first strips I will go further processes more fun.
  6. Karl and Marie is based on a typical German freight boat, which were built from the 18th century for use in the East Sea. This type of boat is called the Galeasses, but was nothing to do with the Mediterranean Galeasses. The wide hull allows for a large cargo and was extremely stable but not very fast. Start - 2015 j. boat - fool plan deadeye, blocks frame polishing
  7. Drawings and instructions sent to PM Peter.
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