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Lacy Joyce

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About Lacy Joyce

  • Birthday 02/06/1973

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    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Sailing , Ship Models, Guitars.

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  1. Currently Building Bluenose II Model Shipways 1:64

  2. It's looking really good. The Cabin and wheel house look good . I think Im over thinking mine. You have a Good Build Log. I'm probably gonna be looking at it Alot for A while until i have mine finished . Great Work !
  3. There are more Flaws and mistakes on this Model than I care to talk about. Hopefully I can fix and cover most and work it out. We will see I guess. Luckily this one will get alot of Paint . The other one Im glad i held off on it . It will be a Bluenose I with less painted parts. And will know what to do differently . Or better.
  4. Some recent Pics Of my progress so far. Deck Planking that was in the Kit had two different Colours , some darker than the others . And not enough of one colour to do both decks. So I may try to do some stain tests on left overs and see how it goes. Im not too Happy about that. I wished I had waited and ordered more or ripped my own . Wheel House still needs Roof. This was the last thing I was Working on. I didnt Plank this one to Plans. Or Taper many where I should Have . This one will get a smooth finish. The Other Bluenose . I plan on making it a Bluenose I . This sucks , I had a hard time with the Transom , Many Mistakes. Hopefully I can correct this off shape. Scuppers arent Bad but a few need touching up before paint . possibly after paint as well. Temporary Hatch doors. I plan on making Planked doors. Still much work to do on Cabin. It really fits snug so it wont get glued down . I will Probably go back and notch and pencil Deck Stagger and treenails. I found a Practicium where A Modeler used bamboo dowels to plank the Hull . He pull them through a draw plate to get the right diameter. Too late for this model . But might be something to try on the next .
  5. Im gonna try and straighten the bow a little more . using that method. luckily I held off from gluing the outer decking Planks. I it was worse than whats in the pic. I have one plank on port holding it where its at right now . in fact I may go ahead and try to plank port bow. and see how it goes . im probably gonna shave the outside of the transom in more. the plans show an even curve on the outside but the last three bulkheads in this kit just do not line up like that. the transom plate isn't so rounded like it should be yet. at least the top of it...I kinda wished I hadn't planked the outside of it yet but we'll see I guess..........Sure !
  6. not much to say bout this pic. here is #2 on hold till I can order Planking for it. Notice underneath is a Hull to a Robt. E. Lee River boat which is an old kit from the 70's I found in a hobby Shop long been closed. the kit had sat on the shelf for many years. perhaps I'll finish it sometime after the Bluenose. My work area is a mess. Im near sighted . I have to take my glasses off to do the work but then put them back on to find where I layed a tool or ( where did that tiny piece of wood fly off to ! Well That's it for pics for a while until the entire boat is Planked. All comments , questions , suggestions are welcomed ! - Mr. Lacy J.
  7. Im in Planking stage . Nibbing in the aft looks good , the fordeck not so much . the nibbing planks aren't glued yet so I may redo them. the aft decking isnt precise with the plans but I think it will turn out ok ! Mast Hole is Marked . I didn't forget That. Not to happy with my work the nibbing up front . they are not glued yet so im gonna try to make them look better like the rear deck. The middle strakes here are glued . I think the Bow planking here look good enough. unlike the Nibbing. I still need to carefully bevel the waterway plank. yes it would have been better to bevel before installed maybe. but at least this way I can get it more precise. I also used A pencil in between the planks like most modelers do. I'll notch in the staggering later. Any suggetions on a good way to do that might be helpful. These old worn out clothes pins are perfect being the springs are loose . Not to much pressure . If I hadn't put the 1/4 round in I wouldnt have to use them this way. The nibbing here im happy with they look tight and precise ! Notice how im having to hold the planks in now !
  8. I had a hard time with the transom . Its not to impressive right now but none of it is undercut so I need to do some grinding and shaping still. Yes I planked it before the Hull planking. don't think that's gonna be a problem. im sure most of you wouldn't do it this way and my previous ships I didn't do this either. the plans and drawings for this I had to study much....Ive found flaws in the plans in different places. The transom should look right when I get finished with it.
  9. I made these stands from scrap wood they work really well and fit just right. I cut the notch with a Jet Milling Machine.
  10. Here is some of the old pics. Notice the 1/4 round for alignment later I discovered it would get in the way . I have since removed a few.But it was a good idea at the time. One pic clearly shows the Bow warped after a few years . Ive tried to work it back straight somewhat. So don't let the frame sit to long before you get it planked. I had also made a false deck on one of them. both of them at this stage is all scrap wood . to finish the second one out I'll need to order more strips.
  11. Started this Kit 6 years ago . And put it down for a while. Now im back at it again. Hopefully I can get it done before my eyes give out or im pushing one of these (see Below). I built the Keel and Bulkhead and other parts from scrapwood . I saved the origionals incase I decide to build another. Actually I started two of them . One A bluenose II . The other I don't Know, maybe the Blunose I or maybe to sell or give to someone I like . Ive looked at other build logs for this kit and have seen some good work. as soon as I find some of the pics Ive taken from the beginning I'll post a few to start to catch up to where im at now which is deck planking. for some reason I decided to do that before the Hull Planking. I'll try to get those pics up soon. I look forward to it and your comments and suggestions ! Lacy J.
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