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    Karlsruhe / Germany

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  1. Thank you a lot for your welcome greetings Bruce and sorry for my English. 😉 I am since years a member of this forum. I found here so much informations from the best craftmans of the world 😉 for the build of my 74-gun ship. I will create a scratch build log, when I finished the second planking of the hull. On the foto you can see the first planking (mainwale is already finished). The scale is 1:49,4. But now - back to the topic. 🙂
  2. Hello together, I have a question concerning a detail of outboard cannon bolts. On many models of french 74-gun ships there are the bolts available - see picture 001. But I can't see this detail on the models of the english 74-gun ships - see picture 002 (Bellona). The only model where you can see the bolts outboard is the model of HMS Cumberland, scale 1:36 from Alexander Baranov - see picture 003. Are these outboard bolts only on french ships available? Thanks a lot for your help Pavel
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