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Bill Maxwell

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  1. Mike: I agree with just about all the previous comments and suggestions. I have the 2010 mill in which I've added the long bed and column and long work plate. I've mounted my rotary table on it with my machine vise on top of that. With the 8 axis I rotate the column to do angle cuts and put my angle plate away... I've also mounted a 'microscope light' to the mill and placed my DRO (a must) on the motor housing. I used 'split cable tube' (zip ties as well) to enclose the various cables. My base if plywood with 'rubber feet' and never moves with all that weight and the long column does not seem to make it 'top heavy'. You might consider the following options of which I've found work very well: 1. Convert to the 10K RPM pulley system (vs. the 2.8K RPM standard) which will save small end mill breakage (I do a lot in 0.5mm and 1.0mm) and makes much cleaner cuts. 2. Consider the longer column and table.... 3. A rotary table is a must for modeling! 4. Consider a ventilation system (I've gravitated to the 'carvers filter' shown behind the mill. I am a bit allergic to some woods so getting the dust under control is a must. 5. Sherline sells the beginners book with a lot of VERY USEFUL tips and suggestions, worth the money. Best of luck and enjoy many hours of modeling! Bill
  2. ​I have always been a believer in 'jigs' and any aid that would produce uniformity in a build. Clever, and well done! There is always a 'better or easier way' to do most operations, thanks for posting and sharing. ​Bill Maxwell NRG Director
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