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  1. Well.... My entry into this hobby has not been kind to me lol. First, I break the bow portion of the false keel off. Then I accidentally stabbed myself in the finger with my XACTO blade. Now this... When I came home from work, I was excited to begin working; however, this excitement was short lived. When I picked up the freshly glued keel/false keel assembly, I noticed that it was seriously twisted. As I was working on each portion individually, I never noticed anything that would give me any indication that this was even a remote concern. So it's time for my first question - I am using Titebond III. What do I use to debond the glue? I believe I have read that you use acetone. Can I use nail polish remover or do I need a more concentrated solution? If I need a more concentrated solution, where can I purchase it? Allow me to post some pictures so that you can see what I am talking about. This first picture just is looking along the keel This next picture shows the degree of the twist at the stern This next photo shows the extent of the twist at the stem
  2. Hello Everybody! I was encouraged to start a build log. I stated that once I received the replacement part from Model Expo that I would do just that. I received my package on Friday and so I am now going to begin my log. Let me apologize in advance for all of the "basic" questions that I will have along the way. As I have previously stated, I am very eager to learn from all of the incredibly talented people on this forum. The first picture is of my workspace (it's a good thing that I am single lol) The remaining photos are of the bearding line and rabbet The keel and false keel are not yet glued in the following picture but soon will be Please, if anybody sees something that i have done (or am doing) incorrectly, tell me - I promise that I won't be offended Aaron
  3. Well, since I didn't even get a chance to glue anything together before I broke it, I decided to contact Model Expo to request a new piece. When I get the replacement part I will begin my build log. Thank you to everybody with such helpful advice. I look forward to learning from the vast reservoir of talent here at MSW. First lesson learned.... be gentle. Aaron
  4. Thank you both for replying with your suggestions. I really like the idea of drilling in a peg. But without a drill press I could see me drilling out through the side and causing more problems. So I will handle it with extreme care and brace it when I can until the bow fillers can be but in place. Looking forward to beginning my build log Aaron
  5. Hi. I am a new member to the forum and new to wooden ship modeling. I apologize in advance for placing this question here. I wasn't sure where the best place this question. I purchased the 18th Century Armed Longboat 1:24 Scale. I finished cutting in the rabbet and was going to glue the four parts of the keel together. However, before I could get that done, I managed to bust the top of the bow portion of the false keel off just in front of where bulkhead H belongs. I have already glued it back together with Titebond II. However, I am concerned that it is now going to be a very weak spot. It does have two bow filler pieces that will be put in place directly over where the break is. These fillers are not to be put into place though until after the bulkheads have been installed My question is this. Should I make do with what I have or should I contact Model Expo to see about getting a new bow portion of the false keel sent to me. Hanging my head in shame and welcoming some advice. Aaron PS - I do plan on beginning a build log - just haven't done so yet.
  6. Thank you guys for the warm welcome. Bilge Rat, I will consider starting a build log. I am just a little self conscious about putting all my mistakes out there for the world to see...lol. However, on the flip side it might help to keep me on track. I can become side tracked pretty easily. Oh look..... shiny!!
  7. I wanted to take a moment to say hello to everybody. Let me start by saying that the skill that you all have is incredible. I am not new to modeling in general. However, I have never done anything similar to this. I just received the MS 18th Century Armed Longboat. I thought that would be a good model to "cut my teeth" on. I have already begun by transferring the bearding line and cutting in the rabbet. I am sure that I will have many questions as I progress. I only hope that I can turn out something that is a quarter as good as what I have seen on this site. I feel that this is perhaps the best site that I have found and I am glad to become a new member. Aaron
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