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Posts posted by WEich1213

  1. Thanks, I might redo it later with a different wood. I was using balsa sheets and they kept falling apart when I cut them. Maybe I'll use a harder wood and I'll be able to make it more accurate. Now I have to wait for a new shipment of wood.

    This is my first scratch model and I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm learning more reading different posts in the forums.

  2. Hello, I've never posted to this site before so I hope I'm doing it right. I am building Sir Francis Drake's "Golden Hind," from plans by Mamoli. I've made one ship before from a kit, but this is pretty much the first scratch built ship I've tried to build. This is a fun hobby but I can't say I'm that good at it so far. I getting the wood from Corwall Models in England because they have a large selection, but it takes over a month for the wood to arrive here in California. If anyone knows of an online store that has a large wood selection in the U.S. please do tell.


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