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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. Hi Michael,

    Firstly, what you will do, I am sure, will be attractive and nice...

    Secondly, I like the view of nailed pieces ( one of my regrets about my build )...

    Thirdly, Matti's suggestions deserve highly consideration ( as always )...

    Fourthly, these are my humble thoughts and I am not a knowledgeable man about model ship building but only who follows the plans and his imaginations...

    After your reference pictures of the post #217 and through many other pictures in the web, I realized that Corel's gratings - as in my Berlin - have different and wrong shapes. I think from now on, the space between two members and the thickness of each member should be almost the same... That should be like a chessboard I suppose...

    But after Corel's gratings, the distance between two members almost doubles the thickness of a member. If you are thinking of nailing with two nails, you should consider this situation... You may change them with the gratings of another manufacturer... ( I was late now for my build but if I had been thinking as today I would change them... )

  2. Always a joy to behold! I'm wondering, Ferit - did you bend the wood for the crow's nests or did those come as CNC or laser cut parts? Just wondering how the crow's nest was worked up - it is very elegant looking!



    Thank you Hamilton as always...

    As described at Pages 16 and 17  it's only a time consuming process... Before I have begun, this phase had been scaring me... But after the begining I realized that the main factor is the patience... The skill was layabout...

  3. Fabulous,super neat work as always Ferit.

    Kind Regards Nigel


    Catching back up on your progress Ferit, once again wonderful workmanship all around!


    Looks brilliant !!!


    Thank you Nigel, Jason and Chris, it's pleasure to receive your kindness and gentle thoughts...


    It's always a pleasure to give a look in your log, Ferit. I see, now you're doing stays (just where I have been stopping my Berlin :huh:) and ... who knows ... maybe the looking to your good work will give me a new motivation to finish that model.


    I'm really curious to see all your rigging.





    Saluto Alex,

    Grazie... for your nice comments...

    An unfinished model staying untouched henceforth is like remaining offended with a friend, this is too annoying... It is needed to make peace with him...

    Wish you re-begin your Berlin... ;)

  4. Thanks everyone.


    Ferit, my friend, you have sharp eyes.   Yes, that's an oops.   I'll be filling it before the final sanding and finishing of that area.  There's a few other areas that need it also. 


    Hi Mark,

    Would you let me know how you will fill it? By a paste or sawdust with PVA or thinner piece of cherry wooden fibre of same color tone of the adjacent plank? Or another solution?

  5. Ferit,


    Those detail photographs show up your work beautifully. Everything looks in full harmony with the rest of the ship. I feel as though I could almost climb on board.


    Thank you Ian, for your kind comments,

    BTW, I follow your Log in which there are sub-Logs... One of them, I think, should be Metal Scratch Build of a Boiler Sub-Log, fabulous it is!...

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