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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. You are right about fixing some cleats, after the scale even a block of 2mm means 20 cm... Too big for the rope of a lid, I think...

    And I thought to fix the cleat (in my build it is a rounded pin (?)) aside the port opening, not at top middle to avoid the drooping rope obstruct the opening... That was my decision... It may be wrong...

  2. Salute Commodore,

    I had seen it somewhere at the web, I have searched it again but I have failed...

    It had seemed to me different, intersting and beautiful...

    I am mentioning about a stand that holds a model ship...

    I don't know how to produce it but I try to describe it...

    In the display case there is a thin plane which simulates perfectly the sea with colors, agitations and waves...

    The model is into this thin plane which encloses the hull at the level of the water line...

    Above and below of this level there is nothing, only air... The model is held by this plane...

    It's possible to see all details of the hull being even below the plane, through the glass of the display case...

    My apologizes for the intervention and the long text but I wanted to share this idea...

  3. Wow Ferit! I come back from a week's vacation and here's what I've been waiting for - some very gratifying photos of an amazing build! I'll echo other people here - the ratlines look great and seeing the Berlin in a wide angle is very satisfying. The high angle shot looking to the deck captures the details you've added very well. A real inspiration!



    Hi Hamilton,

    Thank you for the nice boost...

    As for me, I do wait for your updates, with curiosity for your decision and result about hull ornaments on your HMS Blandford...

  4. I haven't posted on your build for a long time Ferit but don't think that I have been ignoring you. I look in at every new post.


    Your Berlin is looking magnificent and you should be very proud of your achievements so far. You have done some beautiful work on her. Like all your watchers I know that the rest of the rigging will be perfect. Çok akıllı örümcekler!


    Many thanks Yambo, for nice comments...

    I was really thinking that you had left my Log... I was imagining that if your absence was not because of my style of building, it should be because of the spring-summer season, at Turunç, sun and sea, liveliness and ease B)...  It's so pleasant to receive now such kind opinion from you...

  5. i am at present house training my spiders - i bought them off the web (lol) laughing at my own joke


    should be ready to work for me by this time next year


    all the best



    i love the ratlines



    Kevin, this is a brilliant investment... After a weighty period of webbing, rigging; as Victory is a hulking ship with countless ropes everywhere, your spiders will be full masters... If after those hard and painful time, they will overcome and survive, you can sell them, your master spiders, on e-bay at high prices...

  6. Excellent work so far on your rigging Ferit :) If the rigging on my build ends up as clean and precise as yours i will be very happy

    Kind Regards Nigel



    Superb rigging on a superb model.   Excellent work, Ferit.  I'm envious.  If I can half as good on my Licorne, I'll be happy.


    Many thanks, Nigel and Mark, your thoughts are much appreciated...

    Nigel and Mark, I can easily say, that comparing with my rigging, yours will not make you be happy but I'm sure you will be in rapture when that day comes...

    I know you and I am lucky to follow your Logs, it's a pleasure to behold, to contemplate, to learn...

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