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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. Peace, quietude and reliance are going along in my country... There will always be some marginal drifts in all countries... Media is talking according to its interests and benefits...

    "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." Mark Twain.

    And we hope and want the peace comes in all region...

    Painful is the birth...

  2. Hahahaha.  I'm fine with it but you had better get authorization from the originator of spider wrangling ---- Jim Ladd :)



    Being a spider wrangler is one thing. Very few can become a spider whisperer! :D


    I quite agree with Buck...

    A mini whip in one hand and a mini chair in the other, handling by force, grumbling spiders, on the verge of contumacy...

    Who could find the way to escape, run voluntary to the sanctuary of the spider whisperer® !...












    On the way...

  3. Hi Ferit!


    I don't have the experience of Mark or the most Augcellent spider whisperer, but I was able to shape some unruly thread using a 50/50 water and white glue mix. I think you will get the results you want that way. By the way, I agree with everyone else, your rope work is terrific!


    Best wishes.

    Yes, I decided to use your registered trademark from now as spider whispererR...

  4. I think they look GREAT. I've always questioned over tight ratlines as the climbing would have given them some sag inthe middle from the weight of climbers. Plus I've noticed in several movies with period ships, they seem to always have a bit of sag. To me its more realistic, which you have a natural ablity towards. Thats what I love about this build, its beautiful but looks natural. The way you treated you barrel first drew me to your build due to your eye for making it look used and natural, as a real ship would be.


    Of course, I'm mad, but I still know what I like and there's nothing on your Berlin I haven't loved. Have you noticed the similarity between your berlins double caprail and the modification the the DSotM's caprails.

    Hi Keith,

    Thank you for your gentle thoughts... Your kind comments are much appreciated. The problem about sags is the twists of the rope, it seems to me as if the ratlines don't sag in natural manner, the gravity doesn't work correctly  :) ...


    very well done on the ratlines, Ferit..

    I agree with Keith, the sag effect makes it looks more realistic..


    Thank you very much ZyXuz, your words sound very good...  :) 


    That looks great Ferit!

    Really nice job .

    When you have done the last ratline, you almost like it  :D  :D  :D  :D


    Will that day come?! Who knows? :D

    Penelope's weaving... from Odyssey... :D


    It looks great! Very clean. Its nice to see her getting rigged

    Thank you Matti much appreciated. I decided that I love the wood rather than the rope...


    Hi Ferit,

    I very much like your Build, and shall stay tuned to your log as you go along,.....well done !



    Hello Nils,

    Thank you a lot for following and for your nice thoughts, I am grateful...


    Beautiful job Ferit. The sag is perfect... I can only hope mine look half as good. :)

    Your faith in me as usual... Many thanks Randy... I try my best...

    Me too, I have faith in you. I know you can do it more good than it must be...


    Well done my friend.

    It's good to hear that from spider whisperer (I liked this definition that had come from Buck; Salty Sea Dog and it's my second use for you Augie but it's possible that there will be much more...Sorry...)




    I agree with everybody ! your ratlines look perfect.


    Keith made a very good observation, I will remember his thoughts when I get to where you are in mine.


    Regards,   Michael

    Your kind comments as always, Michael... As I had said, the naturalness of your build affects me all the time. Sure your ratlines also will be natural and beautiful...

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