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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. Hi Buck,

    I am courious for your next steps on fabulous C.V. Morgan Whaleboat... Will be there other detailed mini scratches like the knife, the axe, the barrel tap, etc...?

    For exemple grapnel for retrieving whaleline, buckets, boat spades, compass... smileys-thinking-029488.gif

    Till I saw your build, I had not been interested in whaleboats... But now I even read articles about them...

    My apologizes, it's your build but I am quite rejoicing following it and don't want it to be finished... m0161.gif




  2. I am running Win 7 and I can see them, also I am using Firefox. At one time I was have problems downloading and saving pictures but somehow fix that.


    Maybe it occurs because of the operating system, Win8... It may show sometimes some lacks... It's needed to be updated I think...

    But unfortunately I am out of following a nice build...

  3. I think;

    In fact making the ratlines seems boring when you look your ratlines from outside... But once you get into the work, you find yourself climbing, one by one, to the crow's nest... You don't want leave the work until you feel tired... But the essential is that when you are on the shrouds, look never upward, but downward, consistently... m0161.gif

    Your ratlines look very nice, much better, Randy... When all finished, they will be more greater than you are thinking they must be...

  4. The translation may be incorrect... It's said that this a Chinese proverb...


    Who doesn't know and knows he doesn't know is a child... Teach him...

    Who knows and doesn't know he knows is in sleep... Wake him up...

    Who doesn't know and doesn't know he doesn't know is a stupid... Stay away...

    Who knows and knows he knows is a leader... Follow him...


    You are the fourth... m0161.gif

  5. t2041.gif

    And you are a wise man, I know... But you too know that...

    The one who knows and knows that he knows, is a leader... Follow him!...

    You know that you have done it perfectly and don't need any correction m1222.gif and after, you ask me if there is something incorrect!...  m0784.gif   ...m1830.gif

    I have to follow you, Commodore...

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