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Everything posted by Haliburton

  1. Another small update with the main Wales now installed on the starboard side and painted in yellow ochre. Scott
  2. I’ve started the hull painting ahead of installing the main wale. This is French Blue (admiralty paints).
  3. What a great project to involve your son! My son is 11 and I’ve had some success building 1/72 ww2 aircraft with him which we hang on his ceiling. His favourite part is painting and he likes to skip the detail (like the cockpit). It’s a battle between the PS5 and real world hobbies. We talked about doing the titanic 1/200 together but maybe a project like this would appeal because of the electronics and because of the packages coming which generates excitement. Thanks for sharing this idea. Scott
  4. Thanks Rob and to all for the likes! Now that I’ve moved on to deck fittings these little steps seem to really help bring things together after the snails pace of planking. I’ve now added the curved roof near the bow and voila I’m done sheet 1 of the 5 plan set! Even with all the recent progress my crewmate has fallen asleep at the wheel. Scott
  5. A bit more progress on the decking fittings. Not having worked with photoetch before the window panels were not too tricky. Perhaps I should have tried to simulate glass panes. Not sure if it is too late now. I was thinking of trying some kristal klear - I’ve never used it before. Scott
  6. Hi Keith thanks, is there any specific brand/code you can recommend?
  7. Hi everyone, I’m building the Caldercraft/Jotika HM Chatham Yacht. The lower part of the hull is to be painted “off-white” per the instructions. The photo of the model on the packaging shows what can best be described as a “cream white”. I have some tamiya paints TS-27 “Matt white” and bottles xf-2 “flat white” and 2 small bottles of Matt white admiralty paints (AP111W) in my stock. I’m at a loss as to whether these will be suitable and how they will behave on the walnut second planking. Suggestions are most welcome as to what I can use to achieve the best results. Thanks, Scott
  8. Happy Friday! Some progress on deck fittings. I found the roof of the structure framed around the door was a nit too small so just created my own from the kit scrap wood. Scott
  9. I’ve used of all things a pencil crayon from my daughters supply and hopefully rather than making a bigger mess with the wood colour discrepancy between fore and aft decks have made the difference less obvious. Again it seems things that aren’t as visible with the naked eye stand in sharp contrast when you look at a photo.
  10. I’ve added the decking and forward rail planking. Unfortunately I realized after I’d glued down the foredeck that I’d used the incorrect wood for planking in the foredeck (wider and different colour variation) area but as I’ve reached the point of no-return i need to do what I can to make the mismatch less obvious. I drew some lines on to hopefully make the size less obvious. Now I need to make the colour difference less glaring. Suggestions anyone who may be reading? Scott
  11. Thanks Rob! It’s amazing how the photos show imperfections that don’t seem visible to me when I look at it. Scott
  12. Well time has certainly zipped by. I have been working on Chatham yacht on and off. In hindsight I wish I had posted in progress pictures to benefit from comments. While the second planking wasn’t a total disaster (in my humble opinion) it is not a sight of beauty either. I’ve learned a lot, and next time will apply lessons learned to the spiling and bending process. Parts of the hull will be painted so that may mask some of my many errors. Live and learn! Scott
  13. So sorry Michael and agree with Jack. A loss of a beloved pet is really hard. I’m sure it’s comforting that she was able to pass peacefully at home surrounded by love.
  14. Well, not that exciting, but now I have completed the equivalent second planking on the starboard side. I’m trying to do both sides in equal progression for symmetry. I will be doing tick strips and tapering from this point on both sides although I did have to taper the middle planking in the elevated stern section (again equal tapering on bother sides).
  15. Good morning everyone, I was able to get a small start on the second planking on the port side.
  16. A little more progress with bulkhead fascia installed and some progress at the stern. Scott
  17. Hi everyone, I wanted to see if I’m on the right track to bend a strip of 1.5mm walnut to match the bend of the stern fascia on my Caldercraft HM Chatham Yacht build. The instructions call for the strip to be applied at the bottom of the fascia and I’m thinking of using a jig as shown in example 7 of the NRG article on plank bending. I know walnut is quite brittle so I want to be careful. A photo of the instruction showing the bend I need to achieve is in the photo below. Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome, thanks, Scott
  18. Good afternoon everyone, It has been a few months since I posted an update. I’ve have had very little time in the shipyard -between work and home and life in general it seems I can only steal away an hour or two on the weekends. I’m now getting to the point where the first planking is largely complete. I’ve added filler and am working on sanding to try to get as smooth and consistent a base as I can. Stay safe, Scott
  19. I use emery boards of various grits. Scott
  20. Ever so slowly the first planking continues. I soak each plank several hours and clamp to the ship and let dry. Then I remove the plank and taper. So far this seems to have worked well.
  21. Slow progress in the shipyard but I have done an initial single plank on each of the port and starboard side and have used tick strips and the planking fan to mark the taper on the bulkheads that the planks will need to follow.
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