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Everything posted by Haliburton

  1. I can’t tell from the picture - did you plank the bow reinforcement or is that the sanded ply? It looks like planking and if so those bends look tricky. Scott
  2. A great start. I have this kit waiting Sir Francis so will be following along - Scott
  3. Beautiful work! When are you hoping to have your first production run ready to market?
  4. Since it is important to hit the sweet spot for kit pricing, could you offer a wood upgrade set for those prepared to pay, or leave it to other providers like crown timber yard to offer a wood upgrade package? (they have this upgrade set for the Lady Nelson for example)
  5. Welcome Scott from another Scott. Way down here in southern Ontario we only got 5cm of snow but made up for it in freezing rain. This is a great group of supportive folks - definitely lots of inspiration.
  6. Hi Kevin, I’ve enjoyed your videos and am following your log. I had a question about The Royal Navy series by Clowes near your workbench. Realizing this series dates back a 100 years or so, do you find this is a helpful resource for the modeller of period ships or is it more for the historian that lives within all of us? Your thoughts are appreciated. Scott
  7. Rod, a very nice build. FYI we were on Vancouver Island last week. 2 hours northwest of Victoria is botanical beach near Port Renfrew. I highly recommend a visit if you have the chance. Scott
  8. Hi Mark, nice to see another Ontario based member, welcome! Scott
  9. FYI I see from Trumpeter’s website that they have released the 1/350 HMS Exeter. Likely it will be a little while before it is in the hand of distributors and for retail sale. Hope they have done a good job of it.
  10. Just stumbled across this log - very nice work. Scott
  11. Love the iceboat idea - especially one that might be based on the style that FDR owned/used - I remember Jack posted pictures of it maybe a year or so ago. Scott
  12. I had a bad experience a couple of years ago. I tired calling, emailing about my order repeatedly over many days with no response. I ended up calling my credit card company to tell them I was going to dispute the charge. After I emailed cast your anchor with that news they credited back my account. Scott
  13. I was (and still am) researching chisels. You might find the Mary may website informative if you are looking beyond just ship building. There is a website called 'chipping away' that sells chisels in packages based on Mary may recommendations. Scott
  14. Hi Jamco, welcome from another Ontarian! Scott
  15. For anyone in Southern Ontario I see that the Hamilton Wood Show is taking place on Feb 23-25 at the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. You can see the details on the museum website. I’ve never been to this show before but it looks interesting. Scott
  16. Welcome Mike - you will enjoy this site. Everyone is super friendly and helpful! Scott
  17. Hi Dave, thanks for advice, do you have any examples of things you've made with it that you can share? Scott
  18. Thanks Mark, I have the Jim Saw and scroll saw and lathe, so I'm pretty well equipped. Sounds like between them the micro mill has the greatest potential of being used, but even so, it's use might be limited.
  19. I have a friend looking to get rid of his dewalt planer (model 724) and proxxon micro mill (mf70). When I say 'get rid of' I mean sell! I'm thinking about buying them with a view that they may come in handy for some serious scratch building down the road, but I'm wondering if I would/will ever get to the point where these tools would be worth it. Any thoughts? Scott
  20. Go to the home page and look under the sponsors column on the right hand side, the third button down is John's Proxxon store link. Scott
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