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Everything posted by Haliburton

  1. You’re off to another great start Mike - looking forward to watching your progress and the diorama piece will be very interesting too. Scott
  2. Really nice work throughout this build Mike and a wonderful finished model! Congrats! Scott
  3. Hi Jman can you provide the seller info. I visited Missouri at Pearl this summer so BB-63 is on my list of future builds Scott
  4. Hmmm based on the joyyard detail set in the foreground that is marked Missouri I’m guessing BB-63!
  5. Thanks Mike - yes CSM is great - I have another one in the stash as well. The parts detail and fit set their stuff apart. Scott
  6. Thanks everyone for the likes! I’ve done some additional weathering, added the unditching boards and decals and will call this done! Scott
  7. Well some time has passed but the work has continued. The distractions of the season - gardening in particular _ are definitely impacting my time at the bench. Scott
  8. Wow those figures are so well done and appropriate to the vignette - outstanding work!
  9. I should add that my son is working on another lego build so we’re in the workshop together. Here’s a sidebar update on his Lego Artemis. It will have a place of honour next to his Apollo rocket.
  10. This is coming together quickly thanks to some of the clearest instructions I’ve seen in a while. Quite a contrast to Meng. Lovely detail on these molded parts. I hope everyone has a wonderful Father’s Day tomorrow. Scott
  11. Continuing on with my WW1 theme, I’m starting on the Lanchester armoured car offered by Copper State Models. The number of frets with this kit are not huge but what sets the kit apart are the quality of the detailing and a most beautifully detailed and colourized instruction manual on thick stock paper. Lanchesters were the second most numerous armoured car in service during WW1 and was designed by the Admiralty Air Dept for the Royal Naval Air Service to support air bases and retrieve downed pilots. Scott
  12. Some additional progress on weathering. At this point I’ve not added decals. Given how many different countries used the FT-17 I’m think I will portray it in a more generic manner. I have some touch-ups and additional weathering to do but will call it complete for purposes of this log. Thanks so much for the comments and likes everyone. Scott
  13. A little bit of progress in painting - both the tank and start on base colours on the diorama stand.
  14. A little bit of progress made over the past few weeks on the gears and tracks and in putting together the diorama base that comes with this kit. I’m wondering if they included a base because the tank itself is so small that it needs elevation. A minor annoyance with this kit is that the numbering on the spruces is printed in the same tan colour as the parts and so one must check and recheck part numbers often because of the glare of the working light makes it difficult to see the numbers. My son has finished his lego x wing, leaving me behind in the galactic dust 😆 Scott
  15. Some additional progress on the turret, main gun and exterior armour ~ as an extra bonus my son is spending time on the adjacent workbench working on his Lego x-wing. Boy Lego has come a looong way since the 70s and 80s (and also way more expensive!). The x-wing has a 315 page instruction manual! Scott
  16. Well, it’s been a while since my last update. Lots of things going on in my household - including an open house for the happy occasion of my mother’s 90th birthday 🎂. I’ve found this build to be challenging because of the small parts and the instructions being less clear than I’d like. The bevelled edges that need to be glued are also a bit tricky to stabilize as the glue sets. Here’s a photo of my current progress. Thanks for looking in, Scott
  17. Hi David, another follow up to your last 2021 post to see if you finished the staining on this beautiful model? We’d love to see it - the icing on the cake so to speak. Scott
  18. Nice, I hope it brings back fond memories! I’m not sure what the target market was for these vehicles back in 1972 but to my mind the people in the box art don’t look like a pickup would be their first choice for wheels.
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