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Posts posted by gjdale

  1. Thanks Augie, Mick and Keith,


    Augie - hang in there mate, I hope to make up for lost time over the long weekend!


    Mick - have you tried the Tamiya brand masking tape? I hear from others here that it is the best going, so might be worth a try.


    Keith - recovery is pretty much complete, thanks for asking - enough to flog myself senseless with work again anyway! :D I'm glad my little side projects have helped you - though judging from your work to date, you don't seem to need much inspiration!!! Good to hear that you're feeling better now - that sounded like a pretty tough few weeks.

  2. Thanks Augie, John, Robert, Sherry, and John for your kind words and encouragement. It's very reassuring to know you're with me on this interesting little diversion!


    I bent a few more frames around the formers tonight - have sorted the technique so that I can do four at once now. The only limitation now is the number of suitable clamps. The brass ones shown in the previous post are ideal for the job - but I only have four of these.

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