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Keith Simmons

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  1. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ON WITH THE PAINT /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
    mixing up half of the bottle,  the first light coat was laid down.   mixing up the rest of the paint,  I put two caps of thinner in the mixing bottle and poured it into the original paint bottle.   the mixing bottle was cleaned out to use again,  and clean thinner was run through the siphon cap to clean it out.   never let it set for too long.   the second spray was the final coat.....I have just enough to do touch ups.    it's a common color....I'll get some more later.   as mentioned,  there are a few minor imperfections,  but I can live with them  


    the stand was brought out too........and given a coat of gray primer.

    so far,  the rain has held off.......we are now well in the after noon.  I let the paint set for a short time,  and then removed the masking.   the darn thing was almost dry to the touch.   time is shortened due to the temps....I think we are in the low 90's.
        the masking is now removed..........



    I brought the stand in and put felt buttons on the bottom corners........I will line the boat contacts with felt strips that I have cut already,  but haven't put on.   once they are on to protect the paint,  I can bring the boat back in the house......she's still out in the garage.   the bottom paint I will leave the gray.    trim and the windshield will be the next things I tackle  
  2. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from Piet in Top sail schooner by Piet - FINISHED - 1:2000 - BOTTLE - shipyard diorama   
    Hi Piet,
       Where did you get the HUGE clothespin and exacto knife......
       Good job
  3. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from Elijah in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Patrick, absolutely beautiful job, my hat is off to you  !
  4. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from mtaylor in Top sail schooner by Piet - FINISHED - 1:2000 - BOTTLE - shipyard diorama   
    Hi Piet,
       Where did you get the HUGE clothespin and exacto knife......
       Good job
  5. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from Canute in Top sail schooner by Piet - FINISHED - 1:2000 - BOTTLE - shipyard diorama   
    Hi Piet,
       Where did you get the HUGE clothespin and exacto knife......
       Good job
  6. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from Omega1234 in Top sail schooner by Piet - FINISHED - 1:2000 - BOTTLE - shipyard diorama   
    Hi Piet,
       Where did you get the HUGE clothespin and exacto knife......
       Good job
  7. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from IgorSky in Top sail schooner by Piet - FINISHED - 1:2000 - BOTTLE - shipyard diorama   
    Hi Piet,
       Where did you get the HUGE clothespin and exacto knife......
       Good job
  8. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Piet in Top sail schooner by Piet - FINISHED - 1:2000 - BOTTLE - shipyard diorama   
    Hello everyone and thanks for your comments and all the likes, it's much appreciated.
    No ratlines on this ship Jan.  She'll have only two shroud lines per side per mast and made from steel.  
    Here's where I had re-engage the silk thread I had bought initially.  First I thought using my own hair or that of Gwen but she wouldn't part with hers and mine was too fine.  I did try using the mono filament for the stays but they were even too thick for scale.  I cut a piece of the silk threat and unraveled it so I had the individual threads as they came out of the silk worm's spinnerets.  They were the most unwieldy threads to work with, it was like working with smoke.  
    What I did was take three of the strands and with a drop of nail polish that I squeezed into the threads between index finger and thumb, pulling it down several times till the nail polish set up. It stiffened up quite nicely and produced a more realistic thickness for the shrouds and the rest of the standing rigging.  It even took most of the twist out of it.  The lines between the boom ends and the gaff ends are two of the silk threads.
    Attaching the shrouds was simply looping them around the lower masts, secured with a tiny dab of nail polish.  After all of them were secured to the masts I pulled two of the shrouds down to the hull, securing one at a time with nail polish.  I had to be careful not to pull too hard because they did pull the masts out of plumb. 
    next was making the chain plates.  They were just four slivers of bamboo.  I left them long in order to have something to hold on to and with a tiny dab of CA ,that I mostly wiped away, I attached them over the shroud ends against the top of the hull.  After they were secured I cut them off with my trusty #11 blade.  In one of the pics below you may be able to see them.  
    Next came the topsail yards.  Here too I tied a piece of mono filament to them and then around the mast with a tint dab of CA. 
    After all that nerve wracking work I added the rest of the standing rigging and the topsail yard lifts.  I do have to redo one of the shrouds because they seem to have loosed up on one side and the aft mast is not quite horizontal anymore.
    Holding the ship at normal looking distance she looks quite presentable, better then in the pics.
    Okay, my next project was cutting the 75 Watt lamp to function as the globe over the diorama.

    This shows the difference between the mono filament (bottom) and my hair.  It just worked out so that three of the single silk threads was slightly thicker then my hair, just right for my purpose. I did not measure the thickness but take my word for for it, they were thin.

    This shows all the shrouds attached to the masts, 

    This shows the top sail yards also secured and rigged.  As you can see the rear mast shrouds are a little loose but will be replaced at some future date. 

  9. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from mtaylor in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Patrick, absolutely beautiful job, my hat is off to you  !
  10. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    the filler work cleaned it up rather well..........looks more to contour.   here's a picture of her in her new stand.......the initial fit is really good.  I just have a few touch ups to do before I can start with the resin.   it should fill in the rest.......at least,  that's what I'm banking on.   now I need to get my painting stuff from out of the cellar....hard to believe I haven't done it yet.   this will be a good thing........I can use the 25 gal compressor again!  the small compact one is OK.......but I can regulate the pressure with the Craftsman a lot better.   I'll make those side boards too.........Gibbs goes a bit crazy if I use the dremmel in the house.   I can trim those two pieces for the windshield.

    this one is not too flattering..........perhaps you may be able to see the contour of the bow.

    I've touched up the hull again.........when dry I can finish it off.   then the resin......really interested to see how this works out  
  11. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    fear not Mark............{famous last words} .......remember,  I said the words  'icky may' {or is it spelt icky mae}  I'd put the clip I have in my you tube vids about Beetlejeuce tell off the deet's,  after they declined his offer.   ahhhhhhhh,  but the F-bomb would kill the mood     it's wasn't that serious  {did you hear the ominous organ playing?}
    it went like this.........I use a couple size drills to reach the size hole,  where I can use a sandpaper dowel.   I tried to rush it.......but since it's basswood,  and only 1/32 thick to boot.  it didn't like what I was doing.   it ripped out a chunk of wood.
          what I ended up doing,  instead of tearing out the whole piece,  was to trim it out as square as I could and glue in a piece.......sanded later.  it will be filled with putty later and sanded.  you'll see in a moment.
    wood can be fickle.......the harder the wood,  the cleaner hole you can make.   I was going to do a piece on wood-ology on another site,  but they drew the wrong folks.......the folks that frequented there didn't care.  all they wanted was to get their answers,  answered,  and off they'd go....most likely,  never to be heard from again.   look at wood down to it's fiber......softer wood has stringy,  loose fiber,  while harder wood is more compact,  bonded together in it's own pulp.  it also affects it's bend ablilty.   I like to use the softer woods like basswood and obechi........but they do have their drawbacks.  basswood is smoother that obechi,  which is usually rough cut,  like someone used a dull blade.   it bends better than basswood though and it's a lot cheaper.   basswood does not drill well either......it tends to want to tear at the most inopportune time,  and that's what it did here.   sadly,  the only picture I took was the repair.....but believe me,  it's bad enough.once I could work with it again,  I used my sanding dowels........I'm sure some of you use these too.   different size dowels with sandpaper glued around them.   I took a different approach this time.....I left the paper loose on the dowel.   once it was in the hole,  it was twisted backwards so that the paper would fan outwards in the hole,  enlarging it as it was moved in and out.

    the one on the bottom is the loose fitted one.   here it the starboard side after I had enlarged the holes.  I still have some portholes from the Nordkap boon,  that I'm going to fit in them.   I also have some of the Testor's window maker left over,  and I'll be using it to make the 'glass'.  the boat only has one porthole on each side, but I decided to add a couple more for copyright reasons.   ............not that I'm at all worried about the small stuff.......folks should be happy that someone think their boat is model-worthy.   here's what it looks like.........

    .........a little bit of putty.   this stuff was kinda dry......didn't want to stick too good.   I usually add a little water to it,  to make it more like a thick paste.   I have two tubes and I added too much water to the other one........I need to combine these two together and cure the problem.   I'm going to need it for the hull soon.

    giver some sanding after it was dry made it look better.......the inconsistency you see might be the CA that showed though after sanding.

    now........the other side came out much better.   the wood did tear a little,  making a rough hole,  but I passed a dowel through them a few times to clean them up some.

    sized large enough for the portholes,  this side is almost finished.   even with sanding,  care needs to be taken with basswood.......the front hole is slightly oblong.   I need to fix it.

    I like this picture........the shape of the bow allows both sides to be seen.   the idea of the three portholes is pretty good too........kinda gives it a bit of a  'capt. Nemo' look       I only have two more portholes left now,  and one more square window frame,  from the Nordkap boon.  the rest of the parts......the winch and the anchor winch....{I think that's all that's left}........will be used on the trawler Syborn.   I've had such an urge to flesh out the mast on that one........undecided if I want to add a mast top on it {I would then have to make a ladder for it.....ugh!  another ladder!!!}
    my god.......I'm babbling tonight!.......it's almost like I don't get out much   cripes.....I'm all over the map,  aren't I?!?!?!
        here is the picture.........enjoy  
  12. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    now........I can get to the update.    I probably should have taken care of the shoe malfunction........but I got carried away with the cabin fabrication.   one of the pictures looked like the boat had a end board on each side of the windshield........I put a pair on.   then I got this last picture of it,  and it looks like it doesn't.   no matter.......I'm leaving it.........it will serve well in casing in the windshield and aide me in forming the cabin.   there is no real fore deck to this boat......the bow section is encased as one large cabin.  framing the cabin,  I utilized the two slots that were left over after I had cemented on the side boards.


    I'm going to add another pair of scrolled side boards,  boxing in the helm.   a plate will also be made to cover the bulkhead,  getting rid of that ugly center line and for what I have in mind for it   >icky may<
    after finishing the frame work for the cabin.......using 1/8 square stock to do it......I got the side cabin panels for the Lobster boat.   the curved line that would run along the hull was traced out.......this should give me a good lip for along the bow.

    the bottom and top frame parts for the windshield is also on that template....I will get those as well.  they will be done in the 1/8 thick flat stock.........the actual windshield part will be done in something a little thinner.   I was out with Gibbs the other day...........while I was out there,  I found a large piece of the stuff that is used for tinted windows.  how it got there,  I don't know.........it looked really clean,  so I rolled it up and brought it home.   {if that don't show you how bad of a pack rat I am.......nothing will}.   unfortunately for me....this is a scratch build.........if I had followed the kit procedures,  it might have worked better.   the part did not fit too good.........so I split it into two pieces and fitted it together.    the split was knitted together with a small piece across the inside........then filled in with CA and sawdust.    I applied the CA and then sanded over it,  forcing it into the gap that is there.   it filled in pretty good......but I will do it a couple more times to be sure and to insure that it will be invisible.

    I saw this shot earlier........thought it was kind cool to have  

    so now it off to do the other side....of course the same thing happened.   thinking it would be odd for both sides not to look the same,  I follow the same process to cover it.   if it's any consolation, looking at the pictures,  I see some dents and lines that I can't explain.....the boat has been up and down the river a few times.

    the transom is covered over........now it was time for the inner stern bulwark to get it's covering.   I can do a little molding,  or run some white glue along the corners.......but it covers over the "Frankenstein stern" once and for all.

    I bought the resin for the hull.........I was hoping that I could buy a small can.......not {the way I'm interpreting it} 9/10ths of a Quart.   I bought some extra hardener too........just in case.   once this hull is totally fleshed out,  I can start that process.  
    more on this soon.........
  13. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    I think 'freedom' would be a better term Augie........'cuz when you out there.....the real world is left behind.....utter PEACE! 
    yes Mark........suspense.........but I hope to make you laugh as well 
    I read your comment on your log Bob.......I am almost back to normal  {or a reasonable facsimile,  thereof}   I thank you good sir for the thought 
    can't touch me copper...........I have a get out of jail free card  {I got them from an old monopoly game I threw away}   I have something for you Sjors
    thank you Paul for the good word.   this should be a fun ride.......it's a very wide range subject
    OK.........OK.......John,  no more holding out       if I do real good on these.......does this mean you'll come visit me again?     {just a thought.......>giggle<}
    OK........well,  I have the first two hull's  deck beams in place........Curly want to be a bit difficult.   Here is Moe.   he needed a bit of surgery in the beginning......a couple of ribs were a little out of line.

    it's hard to see here....but #3 & #5 were a little out.  I had to crack them free and align them with the handy alignment tools I have here......two 1/4 square strips.    inside is how I would like them to look.

    with the ribs adjusted,  the strips were cemented into place.  I did have to make adjustments in the slots as well,  to run them as straight as possible.   I used pins to hold the strips in place as they dried.   I was not that good with cutting the parts out.......that will all be sanded away later.

    the cut away in rib #6 presents an interesting question.....what to do with it.  since I am not going to be following the Billing's design,  I can do a number of things.   this is the cut out for the pilot house.   the pilot house can be of any design......one of them,  I might even try to go for the  'lobster boat' design,  open on one side.   most pilot houses are located in the center,  keeping with the  'balance' of the hull.......ie.......weight distribution.   what if I were to install one,  say.........centered to the port side?

    the cut away at the stern is of no consequence......the other two doesn't have it.   the stern will be built up with a bulwark,  and may also have a cabin  'office' {i know the first one  'Moe' will have one}.   the deck beams now has support,  by the added small piece of wood under them.   on this one,  I may elect to cut out the extra wood and add the 1/4 inch to the deck....I think it might look better.  but,  on the other hand,  if I do have an 'office'  back there,  I can fit the walls into it,  and this will never show.  {gee, I'm so glad I have you folks to talk to.......you make me see reason  }

    the same support is done at rib #6.   so far,  I've found the same measurement here with Larry,  as I did with Moe........1 1/4 inch from the deck line to the fore deck.  again,  it's going to depend on the pilot house,  as for whether or not I will need to install stairs at the entrance.......or inside,  for that matter.

    this isn't a good picture,  as for how level the deck beams are........or even how I kept with the curvature of the deck.   I'll get a better one later.   I might have given it too much of a curve,  but it's the same amount that the Boulogne Etaples has.......I might even sand some of it out.   I still need to add in the rest of the deck beams,  since in the Boulogne kit......there is a large hole in the middle of the deck. 
        this will be filled in.......I'll need all the deck I can get!   I'll do a hold,  or a companionway......some sort of access to below deck.   for now though,  the focus is to get the bulwarks in place,  scuppers cut,  waterways and decking done {for the scuppers}.   the faring comes first though.......gonna be hard though.......this is some tough plywood   
  14. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from Piet in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Patrick, absolutely beautiful job, my hat is off to you  !
  15. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to _SalD_ in Steamboats and other rivercraft - general discussion   
    Cathead, thanks for the information, I've just started to read up on these ships and have a lot to learn.
    Roger, thank you for the reference.
    Kurt, I appreciate your help and just let me know what the fee is. 
    John, funny you should ask, the wife and I were up there last weekend.  Took lots of pictures. 

  16. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from IgorSky in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Patrick, absolutely beautiful job, my hat is off to you  !
  17. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi all
    Over the past few days, I've worked on a few more niggly bits on Majellan.  
    Firstly, I started on the walkway and railings that leads from the forecastle, up over the main foredeck's cabin roof and up onto the Bridge Deck.  it looks weird to me, but hey, if the real ship has it, I had to try to replicate it.  Granted, it still needs lots of tidying up, though.
    Secondly, I trimmed the windows by removing the build-up of excess paint, thereby making their outline's sharper.  I reckon the overall look of the windows is much better now.
    Lastly, I also re-shaped the bulb below the bow; thereby making it more in keeping with the actual ship's bulbous bow.
    Speaking of the actual ship that Majellan's based upon, she can be seen on my IPad in the background of a couple of the photos.
    I hope you enjoy the photos.

  18. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Omega1234 in Majellan by Omega1234 - FINISHED - 1/200 - Luxury 37 m Motor Yacht - Miniature   
    Hi Frank
    Many thanks. The photos of the real ship and her sister ships have proven invaluable in getting the details right. In fact, I've drooled over the photos so much, that I think the images are now indelibly burned into the screen!
  19. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Cathead in Steamboats and other rivercraft - general discussion   
    In this context, "western" means the river basins west of the Appalachian Mountains. When steamboat technology was developing in the early 19th century, this area (including the Ohio basin) was still the frontier, and nearly isolated from the developed part of the country along the Atlantic seaboard. Much of the design and technology that went into steamboat construction on the upper Ohio River, where almost all the boats used along the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio rivers (and their tributaries) were built, was fairly indigenous and not imported from elsewhere. This is especially true since conditions on these rivers were very different from most rivers draining east into the Atlantic. So we talk about "western river boats" to mean the unique set of designs and construction methods that arose in that region, distinguishing these craft from the very different boats built for eastern rivers like the Hudson. Even as late as the Civil War, this region was still considered the "West"; it wasn't until the development of railroads that the Mississippi basin really became integrated into the rest of the country.
    It gets a bit messier once you go west of the Rockies, to boats operating on the Columbia and other Pacific rivers. But as far as I know, these mostly derived their designs from the original "western" boats and so still qualify as such.
  20. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Cathead in Mississippi by Panama Port - OcCre - 1:80   
    I'll follow along, and wish you much enjoyment from the project!
  21. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Panama Port in Mississippi by Panama Port - OcCre - 1:80   
    There are many discussions on Riverboats elsewhere so I will dispense with that here. I chose this model because I am just getting back into modelling after a few years hiatus. I wanted something a little more modern with less rigging so this fit the bill. I chose th OcCre model because I had good luck with my Albatross and liked the included detail in the kit. I very much enjoy playing poker and the casino detail of this kit was attractive.
    This will not be a museum piece by any stretch of the imagination. My skills are no where close to the level of many on this site, but I do plan on having some fun with it. So here it is, warts and all.
    I will post the pics when I figure out how.

  22. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from Piet in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Go Popeye Go,
      I like the hull shape, good job mate....
      Will keep an eye skinned for further posts....
  23. Like
    Keith Simmons reacted to Cathead in Steamboats and other rivercraft - general discussion   
    Kurt, yes, there has to be a market and I'm certainly not a marketer and certainly not a neutral observer. Of course I think a nice steamboat kit would sell, I'm deep in the rabbit hole. I don't understand why there are so many more build logs of the AL kit than the MSW kit, when the latter seems so much higher quality and an equally interesting craft from a visual perspective.
    Many kits naturally draw upon craft that are still in existence, like Constitution or various craft at Mystic. And the Civil War period is highly popular in general. Well, there are multiple river craft from that general period that have physical museums dedicated to them (Cairo, Arabia, Bertrand), existing remains to view, and in some cases even good plans (Bertrand and Far West at a minimum). If it's economically viable to offer models of Civil-War-era ocean-going ships, to my narrow eyes it seems viable to offer models of riverboats that are simpler in design and construction than most ships.
    But I enjoy scratchbuilding, too, so this doesn't really affect me directly. I just have a hard time understanding why riverboats are beyond the pale when I look at how many other kits of truly obscure ships are out there.
  24. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from mtaylor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Go Popeye Go,
      I like the hull shape, good job mate....
      Will keep an eye skinned for further posts....
  25. Like
    Keith Simmons got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Holiday Harbor by popeye the sailor - 1:20 scale - multi build   
    Go Popeye Go,
      I like the hull shape, good job mate....
      Will keep an eye skinned for further posts....
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