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  1. Hi Bob, Very, very nice. How do you tie your blocks, they look so neat and tidy? Regards Red
  2. Hi Bob, Great work. It just gets better and better. Kind Regards Red
  3. Hi Mike, I am with you on the choice of projects. I have three models on 'the go'. The one I am building at present is the Amati Stagecoach. I also have a half rigged Swedish Gunboat and the gunboat Philadelpia currently being planked. I swap and change as the mood takes me. So the best of luck with whatever you decide to do and thanks for posting the build, it was very informative. Kind Regards Red
  4. Hi Mike, Outstanding build! Mind its not knocked off the table. What are you going to do next? Kind Regards Red
  5. Hi Bob, What an inspiration to us amateurs. I followed this build because I had a feeling it was going to be fantastic and you have not disappointed. Kind Regards Red
  6. Hi Mike, Fantastic job. After all the trials and tribulations, you have created a beautiful model. You should be proud of yourself Kind Regards Red
  7. Hi Bob, The finish on your ship looks so good. Looks like ivory. Beautiful work. Is it going to a museum. Kind Regards Red
  8. Hi Bender, Lovely work. The ship just gets better and better. Regards Red
  9. Hi Bib, Up to your usual standard, great. The ship starts to really come alive. Regards Red
  10. Hi Bender, You're doing great. you've got the knack. I cannot master carving, my attempts ended up looking like 'Popeye on steroids'. Kind Regards Red
  11. Hi Mike, It really is looking very nice.The red and white makes a lovely contrast. Are you going to put lights in it? I will be getting this model next, so continue your excellent posts. Kind Regards Red
  12. Goodness me Bob, that is so nice. Regards Red
  13. Hi Bender, What a great ship, You are certainly doing it credit. Regards Red
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