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    Waterford VA

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  1. Thanks for insight Jaager i just checked on the web for the Ship model society of DC , they do meet in Fairfax and its at a reasonable distance from me ( 45 minutes drive ) i will for sure check it out
  2. i roughly took the measure from the 1/75 plan at 1/75 the bowsprit is 14" 3/4 and the main hull is 33" 1/2 yes i think its correct to say that the lenght over all about 300'
  3. Finally i received the plans ! they seems very well done , now i have to rethink my initial idea of scaling them to 1/48 at 1/75 the lenght over all is around 48" ( 122 cm ) at 1/48 we are close to 75" ( 190cm ) ...maybe a way between will suit better . But i need to be careful as my wife already warned me . Anyway , thank you all for the tip Daniele
  4. yes this was the ship that took the body of Napoleon from St. Helena back to france, and she was painted black for that event .
  5. Thanks Jaager , this seems a very good starting point for my research . mtaylor thank you ! i did also a search on abebooks but i never crossed this title . @Kevin at the beginning i was confused too , i was happy that Ancre.fr had the monography but i soon realized that they were two different ships . thanks for the help guys
  6. Hi all i am searching for a monography and or a plan set for the Belle poule frigate 1834 i did research for this particular ship for a while but so far no luck . I did find this title "Amis des Musees de la Marine ( 1953 ) : La Belle Poule , 1834 " but this book/monography seems nowhere to be found . Any help is appreciated thanks Daniele
  7. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome Hi Kurt , already a couple of people suggested me about the Rocky mountain shipwright and unfortunately until now i had no chance to attend to any of the meetings , but i will do my best to be at the next meeting . i think i will be ready to start the build log around 2 weeks as i will leave soon for DC , were i have plan to visit the National museum of US navy ( any other suggestion for naval museum in the area are very welcome ) . Daniele
  8. Hi all , my name is Daniele and i live in Denver CO. i registered a while ago' and i thought its now time to introduce myself sorry if i didnt do it before . I started with shipmodelling when i was 18 , i remember my first model was a small fishing boat and after that i did a scratch build from and aeropiccola plan of the Cutty sark . After that life started to get very busy and after 2 years of navy i continued the career as a merchant marine officer so the time for modeling was kind of over especially for big project. I did continue on small project like warship in 1/700 and now after more than 25 years seems that i am finally settling in one place ( hopefully ), so its growing in me the desire to start again on "big" shipmodelling project . Few months ago' i picked up at an auction a Model Shipways kit of the Uss constitution ( the hull was already builded) so now i am setting up a small workplace because i want to start to work on this project asap .
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