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  1. Does anyone have a good tip or reference drawing for the running rigging for the Fair American? The rigging drawing provided is less than what is necessary for a novice or beginner builder to determine what is what. Although the drawing might be considered a good art piece, but that's about it. I'm about to finish all of the standing rigging and I've been looking at the plans trying to figure out the running rigging. I'm totally lost on most of the running rigging. I've been using the build logs by Rafine and Ken W. which has been tremendous help and I can probably figure most of it out looking at their build logs. I have also been using the instructions for the Syren by Model Shipways. But I was wondering if anyone has something else I could use for reference for the running rigging? I'm a retired Civil Engineer and know what it's like to prepare a set of drawings for construction purposes. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Eddie
  2. I knew there were other ways of doing this that I hadn't thought of. Thanks for the tips. Eddie
  3. I'm currently building the MS Fair American and am about to start all of the rigging. Does anyone have a tip on how to darken the running rigging? The color that the running rigging line that comes with the MS kit says it's Manila Hemp, but it looks almost white in color and just does not look good to my eye. I've thought of using all black line for both the standing and running rigging although that is not the proper way but it does help in viewing all of the rigging when the model is complete and there is a light colored wall behind the model. Anyone have a suggestion or two on what to use for the running rigging to make it show up better and look a little more brown and aged? Maybe a different product or supplier. I've got a good selection of fly tying line, but it's all too thin. I'm always kit bashing things and changing things for my personal taste and have already done some things different on this build. So you purist don't shoot me for doing something different. Thanks in advance for any advice. Eddie
  4. Ken, You do amazing work. It's a joy to follow your build logs. It gives me a goal to achieve and wealth of information. I'm about to start my 3rd build, after building the "Swift" and MS Benjamin W Latham, which will be Model Shipways Fair American. So I will be using your build log for both the Fair American and Rattlesnake as a guide. If you have any tips to pass along about the Fair American, please let me know. Again, congratulations on a great build of both ships. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your Rattlesnake build. Eddie
  5. Does anyone have any tips on what color (names and paint type) to represent various types of natural wood without using stain. All the builds I've done (3) working on 4 use bass wood for it's primary wood, which is very light in color. I would like to find some paint colors to paint deck items, doors, window frames, railings, bullwarks etc, etc that would represent natural looking wood. I have some Model Expo Light Earth color that I have added a touch of black. If I paint it on very dry (thin) it looks fairly good. However if I actually paint it like you would paint a wall or something large, then it looks like brown paint. I hope that made sense. Any tips, suggestions recommendations would greatly be appreciated. Eddie
  6. Alexander, Your work is outstanding. Especially do to the scale and size. Have you ever done a full scale sculpture? If Michael Angelo were here, I believe he would say "how did you do that.............that's exceptional, outstanding, would you teach me". Your work should go in a museum. Eddie
  7. Ken, What a fantastic build you are doing. And the photos are great. The detail and workmanship is outstanding. Your patience and working skills amazes me. Your build has motivated me to purchased the Model Shipways Rattlesnake for my 4th build and this thread will be very helpful. If my build turns out half as good as yours, I'll be very happy. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of your build. Eddie
  8. John, thanks for the tip and the pictures. In my old age tying the rat lines is a real pita. My Benjamin W Latham was my first dealing with rat lines and I said I would never build another one that had rat lines. I'm about to start on my 3rd build which will be either the Model Shipways Niagra or the Rattlesnake, so this will be very helpful. Thank you, Eddie
  9. Thanks guys for the tips. I now see what I was doing wrong. Sometimes this old age stuff gets in the way of the brain being able to function (eek,ha ha). It will be much simpler now than the way I was doing it. Eddie
  10. Thanks Mike, One thing about building is it's taught me to be patient. I also build remote control sailplanes, but they are much larger (3 meters) but I do love building these old ships. It's great being retired and having time to build. Eddie
  11. Everytime I get to the stage of rigging the deadeyes, I hate it and almost want to give up. Does anyone have a good tip on rigging the deadeyes and keeping them the same length. Any tips or build log would be greatful. Eddie
  12. Very, very professional. Nice work. Thank's for posting such great pictures. I'm currently building one for a friend of mine that has cancer and can no longer build. Your build log and pictures will be very helpful.
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