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About R.C.P.

  • Birthday 06/12/1948

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  • Location
    Central Ohio
  • Interests
    Woodworking, Fishing, Computers, and, of course, model ship building.

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  1. I too am building that ship. so, I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. Mine isn't that far allong yet with all the other duties I have, but I now have an example to work toward. Keep up the good work and, more importantly, keep posting.
  2. Now, Jan. 30, 2017. The false deck is glued in place along with the bulkheads being squared and glued. Also, the companion and cargo cover are near completion.
  3. I started this, my 1st actual build, with all intentions of starting a build log and keeping it up dated. So, here is where I was at on Jan. 1, 2017. The bulkheads were fitted, the false deck was marked for the centerline, and, I had started the build of the companion just for a little instant gratification.
  4. A little late to the welcoming committee but, welcome from Mount Vernon, OH. Interested in seeing your build as I started 1 about 2000, gave up and threw it away. Getting ready for another try though.
  5. I just joined this forum and found your build log for my favorite ship ! I will be following as I prepare myself to try my hand at this once again. The great pics are really appreciated.
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